
SBA Presents - Ninety Degree Turns - Corey Goode on AI and Ascension

Ninety Degree Turns: "In PART 1 of the latest Ninety Degree Turns interview with Secret Space Program Insider Corey Goode, we have the opportunity to dissect our past, present, and potential future with the entity known as Artificial Intelligence.

As human beings alive and well in 2019, we are not ignorant of the fact that our cell phones, tablets, and social profiles are essentially extensions of our human selves. What does this mean for our progress as a society, our consciousness, and more so, our future?"

🔔 Subscribe to Ninety Degree Turns for the PART 2 Exclusive! Premieres Thursday!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6sv...

Support Tricia Margis and the mission of Ninety Degree Turns in expanding the minds, beliefs, and perspectives of the collective!

👉🏻 PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/tric... 👉🏻 Instagram: https://instagram.com/ninetydegreeturns 👉🏻 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2QGnE38 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ✨ Sneak Peak ✨


A Round Table Discussion. With the Community. For the Community. Hosted by:

Tricia Margis of Ninety Degree Turns Simon Esler, Full Disclosure Activist Kalyn McDonald, Sphere Being Alliance and Justin Deschamps of Stillness In The Storm

🌟 PREMIERES THIS WEEK 🌟 on SphereBeing Alliance YouTube! Subscribe Now


💫 THE COSMIC SECRET 💫 "Why do we all lose our memory when we are born? Its because you are all God. And if you remembered you were God, you wouldn’t be able to have this experience." - Corey Goode Who are we? Why are we here? What is our destiny? 

That is The Cosmic Secret Watch Teaser Now 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/gaN2IAmSpQM

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