
Mei lan - Oceans

Available here: https://mei-lanmaurits.com/live-songs...

Thank you, soul family, for all of your love and support. 

The Ocean is symbolic for the soul, the subconscious mind, our emotions, as well as our boundless nature.

It is my intention with this song to capture the essence of the depth of the human soul. The more we allow ourselves to explore the hidden parts that we have been afraid to uncover, the more we can experience the vastness of who we are. 🙏

There are times when the ocean is still and peaceful which represents our tranquility and then there are times when the waves are raging, representing our volatility. This can happen simultaneously.

On the surface, when the storm is crashing we may feel consumed by the many emotions we are experiencing, but the deeper we drop into the abyss there is stillness, calm, and serenity. ❤️

May this song remind you of your humanity and your divinity. You are that single drop as well as the entire ocean itself. 🌊

All my love always,

Composed by Mei-lan, James Gibson, and Ali Pervez Mehdi
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