
#PizzaGate / #PedoGate: June 10th Nationwide Protest Update (Video)

Don't forget that on June 10th we are trying to organize the first ever Nationwide protest to bring awareness to #PizzaGate and the larger #PedoGate scandal. This is our big opportunity to wake people up across America and get them on our side to demand justice.

If you show up, there will be free punch and pie wherever you are. See here: https://youtu.be/QZGgywh0ZRs

The event in Boston only has 6 people (including me signed up to go). I will give a signed copy of my book "The Lost Truth" away to anyone who shows up and asks for one. I will bring 3 copies, first three to ask gets one.

Full Show Notes: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@titusf...

Boston Protest Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/11284...

Boston Fundraising Page: https://www.youcaring.com/ourchildren...

Cat is sending me the event page and fundraising page for NYC, till then you can ask her for the info herself:
Cat FB: https://www.facebook.com/AprilWatters4
Cat Twitter: https://twitter.com/CatW44

Don't forget to sign up and follow me on steemit so you can take part in the sign writing contest for me at this event. Someone will literally get to write whatever they want for me to carry around on a sign that day. However it has to expose the LGBT+P thing, and it has to be stuff I agree with. Will post link to the steemit challenge when posted.

Quelle: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=72827

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