

Sandra Walter: Timeline Split and the August Eclipse Gateway: Video

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The strong entry to the August eclipse Gateway during the Solstice prompted me to complete a video about preparations, Gridwork and the current unfoldments with timelines. The intention is to reach the Lightworkers who prefer YouTube to reading articles, so that everyone may unify in this Divine Service.

While the intel on what the eclipse symbolizes was mentioned in recent interviews, I will save that topic for next week’s article. Remember that New Earth grid system preparation, especially along the eclipse pathway, is a focus through July. The dates for the August gateway, the path of totality, and the timeline bifurcation are mentioned in the video.

July 1-7 is the traditional (etheric) conclave of the Ascended Masters at Mount Shasta. We will focus on owning our Mastery during the Unity Meditations on SUNday.

Tuesday, July 4 is Independence Day here in the USA; a wonderful day for Gridwork and grounding the highest intentions for the August Gateway. Enjoy the video!

In Love, Light and Service,



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