

Kerry K.: Timeline shift: Something big is about to happen

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Wir wechseln in eine höhere Zeitlinie, der Aufstieg findet in unserer Lebenszeit statt, und vielleicht spürt ihr bereits den Ruf, Eure Frequenz zu erhöhen. 5D winkt und erfordert ein gewisses Maß an spiritueller Geradlinigkeit, für die ich mich nicht immer beliebt mache, aber das ist mein Dienst an der Menschheit.

We are shifting into a higher timeline, ascension is taking place in our lifetime, and you may already be feeling the call to raise your frequency. 5D beckons and requires a degree of spiritual straight talk that I'm not always popular for giving, but this is my service to humanity. If you want to truly fast track your growth join The Plasma Light Tribe today and start watching the deeper truths and deeper levels of healing that I can not share on social media

00:0000:40 Something big is about to happen
00:4001:34 the convergence point
01:3401:56 the timeline change
01:5602:30 not everyone is shifting into the higher timeliness
02:3003:23 the crystalline timeline amplifies
03:2305:15 ascension entitlement
05:1505:41 the humble ascension path
05:4106:18 the teenage years of ascension
06:1808:44 we have ascended?
08:4410:39 the entitlement of suffering
10:3911:42 ascension is not the saviour
12:0012:31 it’s unfair
12:3113:08 ascension is not owed to you
13:2415:45 interference in our timeline
15:45 – 16: 09 who is going to make it
16:09 16:52 what changes will we see
16:5217:25 let the love in 

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With love

Kerry K

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