

ALL 9 SOLFEGGIO Frequencies - Sacred Hang Drum Ambiences - "Solfeggio Journeys"

ALL 9 SOLFEGGIO Frequencies - Sacred Hang Drum Ambiences

Embark on a transformative auditory experience with “Solfeggio Journeys,” featuring the enchanting sounds of the hang drum tuned to the sacred Solfeggio frequencies. Featuring all nine frequencies, each known for its unique healing properties and ability to balance the mind, body, and spirit.

Immerse yourself in the soothing ambiences crafted to elevate your meditation, relaxation, and healing practices. Let the harmonious vibrations guide you through a journey of inner peace and rejuvenation.


00:00 | 174 Hz - Relieving Pain and Stress
07:55 | 285 Hz - Healing and Restoration
16:04 | 396 Hz - For Root Chakra Healing
24:02 | 417 Hz - To Wipe our Negative Energy
32:04 | 528 Hz - For Positive Energy Boost
39:55 | 639 Hz - To Manifest Love & Miracles
48:04 | 741 Hz - For Spiritual & Emotional Detox
55:58 | 852 Hz - For Third Eye Activation
1:03:56 | 963 Hz - Ultimate Frequency of Gods

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