

This Ganesh Mantra REMOVES all OBSTACLES in your life, Chanting Awakens MULADHAR CHAKRA, MEDITATION

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This Mantra :
ॐ गं गणपतये नमः || Om Gam Ganpataye Namah ||

Meaning :

"Om Gam Ganpataye Namaha" is a mantra that means to bow down to the Lord Ganesh, and to accept his qualities in oneself.

The mantra is made up of the following parts:

Om: The sound of the universe's birth, and the connection between all living beings

Gam: The sound of the root chakra, which is thought to awaken energy at the base of the spine - MULADHAR CHAKRA

Ganapataye: Another name for Ganesh, the deity who removes obstacles Namaha: A salutation, similar to namaste

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