Sorry that the lighting situation is not optimal, but I had to film the interview in a hotel room with only a few available artificial lights.
Topics covered during this interview:
0:00:05 Democracy - What is Tom's view on democracy in the modern world? The role of the internet
0:14:45 Political systems in other virtual realities
0:16:25 Relationship between level of consciousness and the way political decisions are being made
0:22:55 What changes in consciousness are reflected by the US presidents reaching from John F. Kennedy to Donald Trump
0:30:45 Is a political leader that raises his level of consciousness and thus starts to act differently a problem because he is no longer a reflection of the average citizen?
0:36:40 The role of imagination, benefits of keeping imagination alive in children, 3 channels of reality
0:48:00 Do people with mental disabilities tend to have a higher state of consciousness?
0:53:20 Relationship of sexuality and a tight ruleset reality, in non-physical realities sexuality is not an issue
0:56:45 Sexual abuse - fear and mixed messages around the subject of sexuality in stressful and neurotic cultures
1:09:40 End of interview
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Anmerkung: Eine deutsche Übersetzung dieses Interviews ist zwar geplant, wird aber aufgrund der Länge einige Zeit brauchen...
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