[deutsche Untertitel einstellbar]
Es kommt eine Zeit im Leben, in der wir den Lärm ausblenden müssen – die Erwartungen anderer, den Druck der Gesellschaft, die Stimmen, die uns sagen, wer wir sein sollten – und stattdessen auf die stille Wahrheit in uns hören müssen.Es ist nicht immer einfach, seiner eigenen Berufung zu folgen. Es erfordert Mut, einen Weg zu gehen, den andere vielleicht nicht verstehen, seinem Herzen zu vertrauen, wenn die Welt Zweifel aufkommen lässt, und das zu ehren, was sich für die Seele richtig anfühlt, auch wenn es gegen den Strom schwimmt. Aber am Ende kommt die tiefste Erfüllung nicht von der Suche nach Anerkennung, sondern von einem authentischen Leben, bei dem man die Reise annimmt, die einzigartig ist.
Featuring Nirmala Nair.
Filmed in Cape Town, South Africa
All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons. To be part of this journey :
/ reflectionsoflife
If you'd prefer to make once off contribution, our PayPal details are : paypal.me/reflectionsfilms
Join our YouTube channel to get early access to our films :
/ @reflectionsoflife
Who is Reflections of Life? We are Justine and Michael (previously known as Green Renaissance). We use our passion for filmmaking and our love of storytelling, to remind our audience of one simple truth – that we are all human. The more that we understand and believe in this interconnectedness, the more we will treat ourselves, one another, and planet earth with a greater sense of compassion.
In collaboration with iNous, we recently released a beautiful deck of 52 cards - each card containing a quote from one of our films, paired with the activating visual muses of Lanon Prigge. The aim of this deck is to rekindle child-like curiosity and creativity, helping to navigate the shared waters of our human experience with grace and joy. If you’d like to consider purchasing your copy, shop here - https://tgc.link/reflections
You can also sign up to take part in the Reflections of Life Intentional Journey, receiving a digital copy of each card direct to your email, over a consecutive 52 day period - https://www.inous.org/reflections-of-...
Filming - by Michael Raimondo
Editing - by Justine du Toit
Sound mix - by Tamryn Breakey-Volschenk
Colour grade - by Daniel de Villiers
Filmed in Cape Town, South Africa
All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons. To be part of this journey :

If you'd prefer to make once off contribution, our PayPal details are : paypal.me/reflectionsfilms
Join our YouTube channel to get early access to our films :

Who is Reflections of Life? We are Justine and Michael (previously known as Green Renaissance). We use our passion for filmmaking and our love of storytelling, to remind our audience of one simple truth – that we are all human. The more that we understand and believe in this interconnectedness, the more we will treat ourselves, one another, and planet earth with a greater sense of compassion.
In collaboration with iNous, we recently released a beautiful deck of 52 cards - each card containing a quote from one of our films, paired with the activating visual muses of Lanon Prigge. The aim of this deck is to rekindle child-like curiosity and creativity, helping to navigate the shared waters of our human experience with grace and joy. If you’d like to consider purchasing your copy, shop here - https://tgc.link/reflections
You can also sign up to take part in the Reflections of Life Intentional Journey, receiving a digital copy of each card direct to your email, over a consecutive 52 day period - https://www.inous.org/reflections-of-...
Filming - by Michael Raimondo
Editing - by Justine du Toit
Sound mix - by Tamryn Breakey-Volschenk
Colour grade - by Daniel de Villiers
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