
Stefan Burns: The Earth is Vibrating at the Lowest Frequencies Right Now

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Schwere Protonenstürme und Sonneneruptionen der X-Klasse haben kontinuierliche Wellen geomagnetischer Pulsationen erzeugt, die die Erde mit ultraniedrigen Frequenzen unter 5 Hz vibrieren lassen. Geomagnetische Pulsationen stehen in engem Zusammenhang mit unserem Biofeld, unserem Herz-Kreislauf-System, unserem HERZ, und deshalb ist es wichtig, sich ihrer bewusst zu sein.

Heavy proton radiation storms and x-class solar flares wave created continuous waves of geomagnetic pulsations which are vibrating Earth at ultra-low sub 5 Hz frequencies. Geomagnetic pulsations strongly connect to our biofield, our cardiovascular system, our HEART, and thus they're important to be aware of. @StefanBurns please subscribe ✅

How to Stay Grounded During High-Energy Flux Events (1:11 hour guide!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppcFP...

eBooks and Courses: 🌐 Earth's Magnetic Field Master Guide: https://wildfreeorganic.gumroad.com/l...

🥑 Holistic Gut Health Guide: https://wildfreeorganic.com/store/hol... Use code "GUTHELP" for 10% off https://www.instagram.com/stefanburns...

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NASA https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/
NOAA https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/go...
VLF Open Lab http://www.vlf.it/laurentian/livedata...
Space Observing System sosrff.tsu.ru

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