
Achtung - Achtung - NESARA News: Mexiko und die Niederlande haben im Fernsehen die neue Rebublik und Regierung der USA bekanntgegeben!!!

Wir haben gerade von unseren Kontakten IN HOLLAND erfahren, dass Mexiko im Fernsehen und Radio die Neue Republik und Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten verkündet hat. Ebenso soll die in den Niederlanden im Fernsehen gesagt worden sein!

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Video & Transcript - Mexico and Holland Has Announced that the USA is now a Republic

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 29-Aug-2016 21:54:57

In Response To: This is Rumor at this Point: Mexico Has Announced that the USA is now a Republic (CapnGriff)

Video & Transcript - Mexico and Holland Has Announced that the USA is now a Republic

Philip Tilton shares the News He Has reseive about the "New (US) Republic" !!


Best I can transcribe...

My daughter and I are on the boardwalk watching the ocean and the sunset, and a lot of people out here walking and doing the fitness thing. Just got a report, from Mexico, that the United States on radio and television is now the New Republic. Also, out of Holland, they admit the same thing in Holland, on radio, television and TV, that the United States is now The Republic. The U.S. Navy today was ordered to stop all import/export shipping until the RV is complete. The motu proprio from the Pope also says that before September 1st, if we do not have an RV then there will be a mass arrest of anyone who has tried to stop the super sneak-up, the forgiveness of debt. So what we're seeing here now, is history being made, and uh, you folks, you did it. You made it all the way to the end, now let's get exchanged, folks. Gary, go ahead and complete, and finish praying in this RV. We Are There.
Vinewheeler wrote:
My son is so excited with news scrolling across his tv screen that the US is now Republic, he is a currency holder. He lives in Ceyala

jpeace wrote: 
7m ago Vinewheeler so your son lives in Mexico and he is telling you that this news is scrolling across his tv is this correct?!!!

Vinewheeler wrote: 
5m ago jpeace, yes, he is very excited It was scrolling across his screen when he turned his tv on just a few minutes ago. He just came in from work . Heard at work at the Honda plant but wanted to see it for himself

Fisher wrote:
2m ago Thanks, vine, for the sons confirmation, it took a lot of gold to bribe Mexico
Fisher wrote:
2m ago Vinewheelers son confirmed the Mexican news release!


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