
The Trees Will Teach You Telepathy​

by Serena Woods

Have you ever wondered what “telepathy” really means? Have you ever experienced it? Have you ever wanted to experience it? Well you can, and you should.

Telepathy is commonly known as ”mind to mind” communication, without the sounds of linguistics or speaking, it is an instant form of transference of thoughts and senses. Some think it is merely ”language-less”…..it is not. Telepathy alone may be, but Empathic Telepathy is a language full of silent communion and it is this form that is natural to us.

Some of us know that thought-forms can be transferred from person to person, and even some technologies have been developed which can do this. And there are spiritual beings and entities who can be telepathic with us. They can transfer either thoughts or feelings, or both. This is a mixed cornucopia of input.

But what I am talking about is Empathic Telepathy which is natural and organic to living beings, a way of being that is fulfilling, and we can Be this way with all Living Beings.

Nature has a language that communicates itself through its sounds, scents and colors, textures and more….including its history and panoramic complexities of sentience we are at a loss to detect much less describe, and whose composition is communicated often so profoundly beautifully, countless poems throughout history have been written in humble attempts to write in words what all has been received. Many readers of such poems sense the beauty of them but it is mostly the writers response to their communion with Nature which is being conveyed through the poems and often apologetically for an egregiously inept ability to capture in writing all that was received. The reader cannot experience what has been telepathically conveyed to the writer, only what the writer has sensed and is trying to convey. This is second hand but it is still rich.

Empathic Telepathy is more than transference of thought, this is a sad left brained (sans-sentience) explanation. It is communion, communion of the highest order. It is a ”language” of a multi complexity of feelings within and around the communicator which includes the entire spectrum of experience of what is being communicated. A higher consciousness being, especially those of the Natural Kingdoms have many senses, and many of these can be expressed. You not only get the thoughts around the communication, you get all the sentience that occurred at the moment of the experience being expressed, as well as the current feelings of the one communicating. Often what has been conveyed includes history. It is a sentient rich communion between those who are expressing, of feelings, thoughts, ideas, scents, and sounds all simultaneously, ambient with the communicators unique sensations, surpassing space and time, in an instant.

You may have noticed I am using the term communicator and not just ”person” as it is certainly not limited to people. Telepathy is achieved most successfully with not only people, but with animals, and the Green Kingdoms, and Mineral and Etheric Kingdoms.

This involves listening rather than merely hearing.

Listening and hearing are two different things. Hearing is the detection of audible sound being spoken whose words are open to infinite interpretation. Such communications when received with a tempered mind is hearing only. You have often heard people say “I hear you” and yet you find yourself feeling a void, waiting for appropriate response and left unfulfilled.

Listening involves sentient rich receptivity and is deliciously complex and filling.

Empathic Telepathy is not just ”mind to mind” communication but consciousness to consciousness. This involves a greater use of the brain, a multi sensory complexity within the body with which we are naturally endowed.

The loss of telepathy and empathy comes from all institutionalized forms of ”education” and ”training”. These are processes that temper ones mind much like a steel blade is made. It is hammered and pounded, and heated, and hammered and pounded, over and over, on and on….until it becomes a blade. It has been tempered and molded by the black-smith. And so the steely mind has been indoctrinated and inculcated into being left brain dominant being likened more to a computing processor. This is a form of mind control. These are well funded and organized institutions whose goal is to make you learn what they want you to learn, most if not all of it lies, for at the very least it is incomplete. It is not education, is it fractionalized and desensitization.

Even those who consider themselves smart will hear a stream of words from a speaker and often formulate a response before one has even finished speaking. This is computing. It has a projectile nature of being a one way transaction. It is box like and of the intellect alone. It is the way of the black-word smithy to form minds into computized instruments. Information bits are chosen and pieced together and spun into deliberate creations with artistic license.

It is the way of the Empathic Telepath to commune openly and fully the precise truth.

Empathic Telepathy listens will full brain and body capacity and is able to receive infinitely much more information, wisdom and knowledge, sentient rich, in a nano second. Unlike the tempered steely mind which needs to acquire information and experience in a linear time/space continuum.

For Empathic Telepaths, communicating with such steely mind word smiths is entirely frustrating and fruitless. One is left with a bitter aftertaste, mixed with a complexity of discordance, a feeling of some kind of void, or being given ”spin” or manipulation.

With Empathic Telepathy there is a sweet taste left, one is left satisfied, respected and well received, filled with much more than itself, no matter the truth.
How can we become Empathic Telepaths? Where is the teacher?

Thought-forms can be conveyed by people and technologies now, it is a one way transaction projected unto another, often without our knowing, and these kinds of projectile transferences are usually of the regressive kind. I would find a more benevolent source.

To regain our natural abilities we need to first and foremost desire to be receptive as this desire is itself receptivity and one begins to open and soften the tempered mind, make it malleable again. It is a deliberate act of will and discipline. Then we need to find a source of true telepaths, and the most benign and gregarious ones will be found in Nature. Trees especially are willing to be our sources of communion again and our friends. To find out the truth of that statement you will need to experience it for yourself. No tree will lead you astray nor lie to you, nor commune to you anything that has any ”spin” or ”distortion” within it. They are as incapable of this as an infant is capable of lying.

Nature in all its forms are our relatives in truth and in essence, in physicality and in origin.

All of Nature is us, people, trees, grasses, mountains, water, plants etc, we are all of the same essence….and so they are our relatives in another form yet deeply informed of us.

Go to Nature to commune. Don’t just go to speak, but go to listen. This may take some practice for those who are not used to being receivers, but it can be done when you become soft of mind and receptive. They will find you. You will need to spend more time with Nature especially trees which are everywhere and many are willing to communicate with you, though not all. You will find only Truth.

You can nurture an opening of your mind which acts like a portal of connection with them and they will use this portal to commune with you. Sometimes this connection can happen quickly, surprisingly so, and some will need some time. A type of trust is needed to develop, not with the tree or whatever your source, but with your own mind….you must trust in your mind to become soft and vibrant with receptivity. For everyone it will be different.

But I can see a world of Empathic Telepaths coming into being, coming ”online” so to speak, and this is only the beginning of regaining our connection to Source, to our Divinity, our true Natures and to feel at home both in our own skins and on this planet we were born on. We must commune with our relatives and love them, live with them. This is harmony. When all forms of communication and communion are open, flowing in all directions and natural feelings and senses permeate our beingness, this is where we sense our Family and Love.

​Blessings, Serena, Lady of the Woods

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