
CryptoGold (GLD), CryptoDollar (USD), CryptoBitcoin (BC), CryptoSilver (SLV): All Unbacked Digital Fractional Banking Schemes And Thieving Banksters

In order for the central bank ponzi scheme of fiat currency to work, especially on a global basis, the central banks learned early on that gold [Silver] was the enemy of their scheme and, therefore, must be eliminated from the monetary system. The first real step was Executive Order 6102 in 1933. This was just 20 years after the hijacking of the United States [in 1913].

Yellen’s Foreign Federal Reserve Bad For America: Gold ~ Triple Out Performs U.S. Stock Market
What Happens When $10 Trillion In Cabal Fiat Paper Debt Plus $80 Trillion In Global Debt Is Created In A Decade?

Gates Rothschild NWO

Rothschild’s Police State: “The Dollar Is Our Currency And Your Problem”.

This was one of the major first steps to eliminating competing currencies with the [Rothschild] Federal Reserve Note / U.S. dollar owned by and sold to the U.S. Treasury through the Federal Reserve Bank.

I’m asked on a regular basis “when is the economic collapse going to happen?” I answer this question the exact same way every time. You can either look to 1913 when the United States was hijacked by the Federal Reserve System or you can use the 2007-2008 derivatives meltdown that is still ongoing. It is a process, not an event.

Memories Of History: When The People Get Fed Up!

Below are some of the known steps to keep [and or remove] the power in the hands of the thieving central banks and strip us of all our remaining freedoms, sovereignty and dignity we have left.

When The Herd Turns!
Turkey Now Using Gold Backed Accounts! BRICS Gold.

It’s not uncommon for hard money realist to be in the cryptocurrency camp. Personally, I have never been in favor of cryptocurrencies as they play into the hands of the banking cabal.

Once the banksters move society to a digital currency and outlaw physical cash our enslavement and permanent indebtedness will be finalized. While there are a number cryptocurrency advocates, that I respect, it seems they are overlooking the fact that central banks are known thieves, liars and have never allowed a currency to compete with their criminal operation.

Why would that change simply because of the internet?

Bitcoin Receives Another Blow From The U.S. Security Exchange Commission ~ ‘No’ To Blockchain

That’s why the guys from bitcoin drive me nuts. Because they think “Oh this is how we’re going to be free“. No, you’re prototyping Mr. Globals digital currency. ~Catherine Austin-Fitts Source

[It is the same digital fractional scheme taking down the Central Bank Of Iraq (CBI) by JP Morgan]

We first reported about a new central bank cryptocurrency in August 2016 – Digital Enslavement – Central Banks Cryptocurrency Has Arrived. This new cryptocurrency was designed specifically for central bank settlements using the blockchain for three of the criminal banks that operate outside of any national sovereignty – these banks are beholding to no one except their owners, the BIS.

UBS, Deutsche Bank and BNY Mellon. There are two other entities involved with the development of this cryptocurrency but it appears they are not part of the global enslavement team. We summarized how these [pipe dream] goals would be accomplished by the central banks and how the [pipe dreaming] central banks are working together to ensure global [pipe dreaming] compliance to the cashless scheme.

the global banksters have expressed a desire to move to a cashless society ~ India – Crime of the Century: Narendra Modi & Rothschild’s BIS Failed Financial Coup
we were told in 1988 the world would move to a one world currency ~ Russia, India, & China Counterbalance Rothschild’s U.S. Federal Reserve Hegemony!
in 2012 the IMF accepted a global bank bail-in program designed around the events that occurred in Cyprus ~ President Trump Ending Unconstitutional Dodd Frank! Goes after Rothschild Federal Reserve
development and funding of the AIIB as an alternative to current global banking cabal ~ China’s AIIB To Radically Change The World Competing Against Rothschild’s IMF.
the largest economies in the world, with the exception of the U.S. are members of the AIIB ~ France & Germany Confirm Joining China’s (AIIB) Bank ~ A Rival To US-led Rothschild World Bank.
the global banking cabal consisting of the IMF, BIS and World Bank have expressed a desire to move away from the world reserve currency system ~ “Panama Papers” Cartel’s Dream Scheme: United State’s IMF No Longer Relevant ~ United State’s CIA No Longer Relevant.
China has been working in conjunction with the IMF to develop and launch a new SDR global bond that can be converted into currency ~ China To Contribute 10% SDR Stipend To Washington D.C. Based IMF On October 1st. 2016
development and launch of a new cryptocurrency designed and built to utilize a variety of the most used currencies in the world ~ South Korea To U.S. Bankers Who Want To Be King: No More Wars For You To Hide Behind
the new cryptocurrency is designed to be used at the central bank level ~ Russia’s Landmark Speech: New Centers Of Economic Power ~ As China, Japan, Belgium, Switzerland, & Saudi Arabia Dump The Rothschild Fiat U.S. Dollar.

This is a complicated issue and without a majority of nations around the world joining the party the cashless scheme will not work. Compliance is mandatory and getting nations to understand this may take longer than most people understand.

China already uses a digital currency and has all but eliminated cash [China is promoting physical silver, gold, and has outlawed derivatives].
China’s Central Bank Crackdown On Bitcoin
China aggressively promoting gold to citizens
Moscow & Beijing Establish BRICS Monetary Transactions In Gold: It All Begins
China Locked In The Zionist Controlled Dollar Death By Launching Their Own Gold Price Exchange
Australian Financial Review Warns About Paper Gold: China Moves To Physical Only ~ Derivatives Not Allowed.

The U.S. military uses digital payment system, so we are already seeing a move in the direction of digital currency. China’s population represents one-in-seven people on the planet with the U.S. military industrial complex representing another measurable percentage of the global population.

President Trump: “NATO Is Obsolete” President Eisenhower Agrees!
China Bans Monsanto GMOs: No Shangri-La For Bill Gates ~ Senator Daines

One doesn’t have to look too far to see how digital transactions are already taking over. We discussed this issue at length in Cashless World: 1 out of 3 People Never Use Cash where we detailed how the people around the world are already doing the bidding of the banking cabal.

California’s Governor Brown Allows Canada To Foreclose On California Home Owners Over Credit Card Debts!
DOD Inspector General: Obama’s DOD Employees Charged Casino Transactions Totaling $3.4 Billion On Federal Credit Cards.

India – Crime of the Century: Narendra Modi & Rothschild’s BIS Failed Financial Coup

Silver – May Replace Gold Money In India
India Imports 319 Tons Of Silver In One Month
India World’s Largest Importer Of Gold Surges 82%

If you have any misguided notion that a cashless society is not coming, just keep telling yourself that every time you use a debit card, credit card or your phone for your next purchase. With the elimination of cash we effectively hand over our individual human sovereignty to the banks and the government. Source

Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581

The melding of gold and the blockchain

On April 11, 2017 the CME Group (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) in partnership with the Britain’s Royal Mint announced the two were developing a blockchain based gold trading platform.

CME Group announced on Tuesday that the new platform, built with technology companies AlphaPoint and BitGo, was being tested by a select group of “major financial institutions,” and is on schedule for launch this year.

The new platform will allow institutions to trade “Royal Mint Gold,” or RMG, a new digital token issued by the Royal Mint, which makes Britain’s coins. Source

This is a huge announcement for the cashless society advocates. In order to control currencies, you must first control gold. The fact that a U.S. based company is working with the United Kingdom instead of the United States is another major factor in this scheme. City Of London’s Cartel Banks Initiate CSPP ~ Hyperinflation Is The Intended Scheme ~ Antidote, Constitutional Physical Gold & Silver!

While the CME Group, based in Chicago, could have worked with the US Mint, they instead are working with Britain’s Royal Mint. This crime ties the US and the UK together to satisfy the global governance rules set fourth by the Bank for International Settlement.
Bitcoin’s Breakup: Prepare Your Bug Out Strategy!
U.S. Counterfeit Monetary System Of The CFTC & Comex
What Happens When $10 Trillion In Cabal Fiat Paper Debt Plus $80 Trillion In Global Debt Is Created In A Decade?
Comparing Gold’s Price To Bitcoin’s Digital Fiat Bubble Is Patently Ridiculous: Bitcoin Digital Token Would Need To Be $450,000.00 Each

India – Crime of the Century: Narendra Modi & Rothschild’s BIS Failed Financial Coup

If we review and take into account the actions by India’s Prime Minister Modi in late 2016 we see how the ties-that-bind are coming together. The past serval years the Indian government has attempted to steal the gold held by the citizens through various taxes, paper ponzi schemes and the latest attempt to slow the flow of gold into the country, elimination of “large” bank notes under the guise of “curbing corruption”. [Gold flow has increased into India]

India World’s Largest Importer Of Gold Surges 82%

Prime Minister Modi eliminated the two largest bank notes in circulation in India. This effectively eliminated more than 80% of all cash in circulation within just a few weeks. India was a cash based society with more than 85% of all transactions conducted used cash. The Indian population have the single largest hoard of gold in the world. It is estimated the citizens account for more than 20,000 tons of physical gold. It is part of their culture, heritage and understanding of criminal governments that like to steal the citizens wealth. [This financial coup ended as a major failure]

The actions of the Indian government, combined with the announcement of CME/Britain Royal Mint gold blockchain makes one wonder if this is the next attempt to get the people of India to turn over their gold.

The western central banks are running out of physical gold to ship into China, Russia and India.

Dennis Hopper

If these criminal western banksters can convince the Indian people to use the “safety and security” of the blockchain and deposit their gold at their friendly local bank, then we will have a major problem with gold.

Russian Gold 2017

This would, in my opinion, be the end of our sovereignty. The banksters will have won by effectively stealing most of the worlds gold. If China/Russia/BRICS are planning on using a gold backed currency, they had better bring it to the table more sooner than later.
Silver – May Replace Gold Money In India
India Imports 319 Tons Of Silver In One Month
Physical Silver 5Xs Rarer Above Ground Than Physical Gold!
Moscow & Beijing Establish BRICS Monetary Transactions In Gold: It All Begins

The Daily Coin

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Quelle: https://politicalvelcraft.org/2017/05/01/cryptogold-gld-cryptodollar-usd-cryptobitcoin-bc-cryptosilver-slv-all-unbacked-digital-fractional-banking-schemes-and-thieving-banksters/

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