
Phoenix Rising: The Event, DNA Activations, Global Currency Reset

Greetings Souls of the New Earth! 

From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.

Phoenix Rising

We are most fortunate to be here in these times of great change. Of course many may not see the opportunity that is offered to us now. For now we are able to move not two or three but ten steps forward in our evolution, not just on an individual level but as a collective.

Many choose to simply pay attention to areas where they THINK the light is absent, and remain oblivious to the fact that the light has washed all of Earth and continues to expand. Even in those places where darkness appears to be strongest, it is only the light readying to burst out.

The old has dissipated, it has been dissolved. What you see now in front of you is a mere memory. The ashes of the old world are being INFUSED WITH NEW DIVINE LIGHT. The Phoenix is rising renewed. A new intention, a new love, a new freedom, a new Earth and humanity is being born now. The Divine Plan is unfolding and humanity is at the center of the show.

Millions of years ago in the constellation of Lyra(humanity’s original home), the symbol of the Phoenix was used by the people to let the enemy know that their confederation cannot be destroyed. A symbol of reincarnation and restoration. Returning stronger, brighter, and more resilient than ever before. And this is what is occurring here on our world today. Humanity is rising with the new energies, awareness is returning, restoration has not only begun but IT IS ALL READY SUCCESSFUL.

Every human being is about to SEE the great changes unfolding with their own physical eyes. The best advice we can give you now is remain HEART CENTERED. Do not fear or worry about a thing, do not judge, do not try to hold on to anything outside of the self. Just BE and let all else flow as it should. The waiting is over, the time is now.

DNA Activations

There is zero doubt that great change is happening on all levels, in every cell, in every atom, proton, neutron, electron of your being and the FORCE that powers those elements is also changing within YOU, within ALL. An expansion of awareness, an expansion of the heart’s ability to FEEL and to GIVE more love. A powerful light permeating all of us here on Earth and beyond, and the only thing YOU need to do is CHOOSE LOVE. Think, speak, BE LOVE. Go WITHIN and you will KNOW that a new reality, a new era has begun, the era of light is NOW.

As the energies continue to increase, the more refined light entering Earth and touching all of her inhabitants to the core, your DNA in this very moment is turning on like a line of Christmas lights. The only difference is that within your DNA there are hundreds of lines connected to one another, and each of these lines has billions of light bulbs. The 97% of your so called “junk” DNA is coming online FAST.

One of the things that many do not take seriously is what they put in their body for nurturing. With your new DNA activating, only PURE FOOD/WATER are accepted by your body. Anything else will only cause harm, slow down your bodies ability to adapt to its original template, it will be like throwing a wrench in your bicycle’s front wheel.

Some of the signs of your DNA activating are; Seeking solitude; Tingling on the skull and down your spine; You now see light and geometrical shapes when you close your eyes; Change in your libido and sexual potency; Time speeds up but it also feels like its standing still; Unusual aches and pains throughout your body; Vivid dreams with messages; Short term memory loss; Impatience; Eyes changing(tired, heavy, blurred vision). These are just a few of the signs.

I will mention three of the most important things you can do to ease your process of these new activations; 1. Drink plenty of (purified)water throughout the day. 2. Eat fresh, organic, LIGHT(veggies, fruits) foods. 3. Rest as much as you can; yes, lie down and do NOTHING every time you get the chance.

The Event

The Event has begun as you may have heard from a couple of other sources. The mass arrests continue, the going after of the main people at the top continues and the light forces have been very successful in catching them. The light is increasing as if darkness never was. But in truth there is no darkness, ALL IS LIGHT in many different forms and shapes. Now even the old rulers, the “darkest” ones are beginning to see a reflection of their true inner most essence, LIGHT. They have forgotten about this light, so now they fear it, but cannot hide from it.

The arrests, resignations, revealing of advanced technologies, changes in weather patterns, revaluation of currencies, and more, these are all precursors towards the main wave of light that will be released from the Great Central Sun, which will change EVERYTHING in an instant. We are closer than ever before for the main wave to wash over and through Earth and beyond.

Though most sources avoid giving dates because they have been and are ridiculed when those dates come and go and nothing happens.

Well, for one, I think predictions are fun(laughter), and two, when you predict and keep your thoughts on that one thing, on a certain date, you attract that energy, yes?

I tell you now that the Event WILL occur within our year of 2017.

Should I narrow it down a bit?

We are looking at the Summer Solstice all the way to 10/10/10(2+0+1+7) – 10/10/10 = 30 = 3 – This is the number of EMPOWERMENT, CREATIVITY and ACTION. And indeed it is now the time to find ourselves EXPRESSING all three.

The Global Currency Reset

Let us first say that the challenges you have faced and sacrifices you have made in the past have paved the way to a favorable future that is imminently to blossom into manifestation.

The turning of the key towards the open position has occurred. The Republic has been restored, it is all a matter of making the announcement public. NESARA is ready to be announced. The Global Currency Reset is ready to be released.

What you may see now in politics are just games being played by the New Powers That Be. We can say they are just “messing around” with the few remaining Cabal minions. The two know that the light has triumphed, and we have long past the point of no return.

What we have been waiting to hear about and see for all these years is to be manifest for us all within a very short period of time.

Things will never be the same again on our beloved Earth. Great joy, abundance, and good fortune shall reign and are on your way.

There is a very important celebration coming, and YOU will not miss it. So hold your light and feel the change, be ready for the much EXPECTED MIRACLES and MORE.

In every thought, word and action let love be your intention.

Know that the brightest light shines from within. From heart to heart, KejRaj.


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