
Live bei Familie Storch

CamStreamer in action. Storks in beautiful live stream from rescue station in Makov, Czech Republic.

For 11 years disabled white storks are nesting in our rescue station. They have raised 30 healthy young storks so far. All of them flew away. What happened to them we do not know. Therefore this year we would like to give 4 young storks miniature satellite radios which would give us an opportunity to follow their journey after they leave Makov. We would have a unique chance to learn about their future life on their route to Africa. We would be able to follow their life journey for about one year.

Technical solution of the live stream:

The Axis P1365-Mark II IP camera and objective TEIA 9-40mm has been selected for the project of the animal rescue station live monitoring as the best choice due to its discreet design and image stability. We are able to transmit in HD 1080p resolution. The external microphone makes watching the animals, that behave very naturally in the camera shot, more enjoyable.

Application CamStreamer connect the camera directly to YouTube Live channel. https://camstreamer.com

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