
Diane Canfield: GeoMagnetic Storms Have Arrived With The First August Eclipse Coming August 7th/ Total Eclipse August 21st/ Lions Gate Continues

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By Diane Canfield


We now have Geomagnetic Storms that have arrived along with increased Solar Wind. Solar wind is now over 700 and rising. These storms can and are effecting our sleep patterns. You may find yourself asleep for a few hours needing to get up and then after a few hours up going back to sleep again. Intense dreams usually accompany these storms We had a few high energy days before these storms hit and today was a very low energy day. Today was the exact opposite as the storms came and it seemed impossible to get anything done. You may find others mood changing when these storms occur as many get crabby and short tempered. When this happens revert back to your sacred space and rebalance your energy before going back out. Remember to drink lots of water during these times of Geo storms, Energy Increases, Fluctuations and ground daily.

The first eclipse is coming August 7th and this will create a GATEWAY for the BIG Total Eclipse of August 21st. I will be doing my next interview August 7th with Charlotte View Discussing this Eclipse Gateway we are just about to enter into. You can find the link to this show here. The first Eclipse is the partial LUNAR Eclipse on August 7th entering the gateway. The Second Eclipse is a TOTAL SOLAR Eclipse on August 21st which completes this gateway and more. I will be discussing this in more detail in my upcoming interview.

We have been in the middle of the Lions Gates Energy and now entering Geo Storms which brings a new level of Frequencies in for us to navigate through. During these times you may have many more insights into your own life and be able to now work through issues you were not able to before. You may now be able to see things about yourself and others, not seen before. Be open to the information streaming in and do not let the EGO get the best of you. We need to be able to work through these issues to EVOLVE past this dimension, time and space. We need to release this baggage we have carried for so long. The way to do this is to stay connected to the Universe and the Universe will show you the way. It will many times happens through others. This is the case because we have made sacred contracts with other souls before coming here to TRIGGER us into higher awareness. These can be friends, family, twin flames, soul mates or even strangers to us here. Be on the look out for these experiences and make the best of them when they appear.

I will be writing more on the energy we are experiencing these past few weeks very soon including the Lions Gate and both Eclipses.

I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield

Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included

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