
Discover the Galactic Confederation Of Stellar Nations -TRAILER-

(This video has been blocked on Youtube) I felt like revisiting an old video of mine via this trailer. The Galactic Confederation is not some sci-fi fantasy, it is a real organization and anybody who experienced genuine telepathic contact can confirm this.

Among others, this stellar instance is in charge of maintainning peace in our galaxy. It is also known as « the Galactic Federation of Light » or simply the Galactic Federation. Many designations exist, all are referring to the same benevolent alliance between star nations.

Now that we - the people of the Earth - are about to cross a threshold in our evolution, our eventual membership to the Galactic Confederation is becoming a serious matter. Are we prepared to become galactic citizens ? Do we meet the conditions for an admission into the Stellar Community as a collective ?

Time is not an issue for the Stellar Councils, they shall be monitoring our progress toward the Light - the only criteria that can open the doors of the Confederation for the Earth.

Visit the Galactic Confederation of Stellar Nations :

Associated Youtube Channel :

Special thanks to all the artists that allowed this video!

Arbre Solaire ♥

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