
Natalie Glasson: Future Awakening of Humanity and Earth by the Original Essence of Mother Earth - 18th August 2017

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Channeled through Natalie Glasson - 18th August 2017
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, I am the original essence of Mother Earth, the pure consciousness that fuels the energetic body and presence of Mother Earth. You might say I am the higher aspect or consciousness of Mother Earth. I hold the awareness of the codes and wisdom which were anchored into the Earth at its creation as well as the pure intentions of all light beings for the Earth. During the time of the Creation of the Earth and the synthesis of my consciousness as Mother Earth with the Earth, there was a great deal of excitement. In order to create the Earth a clear and strong vision was needed, the same required to aid my integration with the land and the incarnation of beings of light onto the Earth. Everything was achieved with a pure, clear and strong vision which encapsulated all that was needed in the present as well as for future ascension. Everything was taken care of, even the energy vibrations created to support many light beings such as yourself in moving through levels of self-exploration on the Earth. The planet Earth was made three dimensional, physical and solid to enhance experiences and a greater understanding of all your senses. Enjoyment of the Earth, working in harmony and peace with all creations on the Earth was the key.

The codes and wisdom specified as important and sacred at the creation of the Earth remain weaved into the fabric of present day Earth and humanity. You hold within your energy and consciousness these codes and wisdom of the pure and clear intentions and visions created by many light beings. These can be activated and awoken once more to be synthesised with the codes, energy and light you have already anchored due to your current stage of ascension. By reactivating the codes and wisdom born of the creation of the Earth, you return to a greater understanding of your wholeness as the Creator and your connection with the Earth. You begin to embody and accept a deeper understanding of the Earth and its greater purpose in the larger picture of Creator ascension. Your perspective expands, and you begin to recognise Mother Earth in a new way, therefore co-creating the Ascension of the Earth and humanity.

Reawakening the Codes and Wisdom from the Original Creation of the Earth

‘I call forth my community of guides to draw close and surround me in their loving supportive vibrations. You each have a reason for being my guides, I surrender to your divine purpose as my guide and invite you to assist me with the outcome of further awakening my ascension and self-discovery. I invite my guides, soul, the Original Consciousness of Mother Earth and the Creator to channel into my being the appropriate energy to reawaken the codes and wisdom born from the visions and intentions of many light beings for the creation of Mother Earth and her humanity. Let these sacred codes and wisdom awaken appropriately, merging with my entire being and the sacred light I Am. If it is appropriate, I would like to receive insights of the visions and intentions that were created for the Earth, so I can better understand the purpose of the Earth from a larger picture. I now allow the awakening, synthesis and deeper understanding to begin; I am now ready to receive. Thank you.’

Simply allow yourself to enter into a deep meditative space to observe and receive the benefits of the codes and wisdom reawakening within you and merging with your entire being. With patience and trust in your own abilities, you may receive some divine insights to support you in your co-creation with Mother Earth.

Holding a Focus of Truth

The Earth was created through many beings holding a focus, vision and intention of a pure and expansive nature. The beings who created the Earth and the purpose of the Earth were not attached to the outcome they were creating, nor did they create visions which were rigid and inflexible. They held an idea in their mind, heart or third eye chakra which was often formed from the flow of energy within them and through them from the Creator. It is as if they received a seed of inspiration from the Creator which they allowed to rest in their own energy, observing what it developed into. They then energised the idea or development by loving it unconditionally. They did not judge the idea, try to manipulate it or doubt the necessity of the energy they co-created with the Creator. They simply loved and accepted it, until they felt ready to anchor it into the Earth for all to embody and experience.

The same co-creation with the Creator and focus is needed now by light workers upon the Earth. Many of you wonder how the Earth and her humanity will awaken so all may exist within and experience heaven on the Earth. Many cannot comprehend how this will happen or even understand what needs to take place to create the necessary transitions. The answer is within you. You are the answer to the question of how to awaken humanity and further the ascension of the Earth. You have a sacred connection with the Creator; you have the ability to communicate and co-create with the Creator.

Every single awakening, alignment, light activation and inner exploration you have ever experienced has supported you in existing as a beautiful aspect of your truth. The combination of energies and consciousness you have downloaded into your being has created you as a unique source of Creator energy upon the Earth. Then you simply allow yourself to receive divine inspiration from the Creator, letting this settle within your being, synthesising with your own energy and developing into an intention or vision.

Through this process, you create a unique energy which will then synthesise and merge with the creations of others concerning the awakening of humanity and future ascension of the Earth. That which is not needed will fall away; this is the case even in the intentions and co-creations you create. Energies which are of a similar vibration and purpose as that which others are energising will build, become energised and anchored into the Earth and consciousness of humanity, creating new awakenings into love, peace and harmony. This is why it is important to maintain a high vibration within all levels of your being. You are creating the future of ascension and supporting the awakening of humanity on the Earth.

Awakening Humanity into New Consciousness and Supporting the Future Ascension of the Earth
Allow yourself to enter into a meditative space within you and choose a space to rest within, (heart chakra, third eye, soul.)

Ask to receive an idea, vision or inspiration from the Creator to support the full awakening of humanity into love and truth and to support the future ascension of the Earth.
As you receive the energy of the Creator, let it sit within your previously chosen space within you and merge with your light.

As the energy of the Creator merges within your light, so a new energy, perception, idea, vision or purpose will form.

Energise that which forms by expressing and surrounding the new energy with your unconditional love.

Only when you feel ready, imagine that you release the energy which has been formed from your being to the world, Earth and humanity or wherever you feel it needs to be anchored.
Ground yourself and the energy you now embody by sending energy from the previously chosen space within you through your chakra column and into your Earth Star Chakra.

Not only are you creating a new energy to aid the awakening and ascension of the Earth and humanity, you are also creating a new awakening within your own being. You will be awakening the Creator’s energy within your being, energising yourself, raising your vibration and supporting yourself in aligning with the truth of the Creator. As you go about your daily routine without realising it, you will act as a beacon of light, love, awakening and consciousness that supports activations of love and truth in others.

You are an example of all you wish to see and experience in the world because you are co-creating with the Creator at all times.

In acknowledgement of all that you are,

The Original Essence of Mother Earth

Read More from Mother Earth

Quelle: https://www.omna.org/

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