
Benjamin Fulford: Khashoggi + Gruesome Halloween Tales, October 18, 2018 - Prepare For Change

On October 18, 2018, Richard and Meg of PrepareForChange.net continued 2018 interviews with Benjamin Fulford. 

The transcript will be posted here, in a week or two, below the links to the previous 2018 interviews. 

Warning: There is some graphic information described in this interview. 

Benjamin talks in this interview about how the disappearance of the Khashoggi, the Washington Post columnist, is related to other unrest in the Middle East as well as even Japan, that Crown Prince Bin Salman was taken out in April, and he discusses other recent worldwide evidence that the old order is not working any more. Benjamin Fulford Continues to Work to Liberate the Planet Benjamin Fulford continues to work to liberate the planet from the bad guys. 

He is literally fighting to bring freedom and new life to humanity. This interview is about 50 minutes long and we hope you enjoy it. Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford… and turn our world into a wonderful place! Donate to Children in Malawi. We are an all-volunteer organization. 

We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to PrepareForChange.net support about 400 children in an orphanage we founded in Malawi, Africa. Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. 

The donation buttons are on PrepareForChange.net. 

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