
New Venus Day Meditation - English guided audio

The new Venus cycle will begin on October 26th and last for 19 months. At the exact time when the new Venus cycle begins at 2:16 PM UTC, she will be at her closest point to Earth.



As described by Untwine, the first 20 days of Venus Retrograde from October 5th to 26th are especially dedicated to inner work, shadow work, release, let go of the old, finding love within and universally.

The New Venus on October 26th is the turning point, the actual beginning of the new cycle, and the best time to hold the ceremony and set intentions for the next cycle.

Therefore, we suggest doing a special meditation on this occasion for releasing anything we no longer resonate with and for reuniting with our inner child.

Also, as mentioned by Cobra in his last situation update, there are many people in the Lightworker and Lightwarrior communities that have a secret life as Cabal agents. However, they are being kept in the Cabal networks against their will, and would escape if they only could.


New Venus provides a great environment for sending protection to all Lightwarriors and Lightworkers, so that all of us can be healed, and everyone especially those who act as Cabal agents can look within, be liberated from all programming, control and suppression.

We will do this meditation on Friday, October 26th at 2:16 PM UTC.

Here is the event time announcer:


As well as the countdown timer:


Here is our Facebook event for this meditation: https://www.facebook.com/events/14292...


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation at the beginning of Venus’s new cycle as a tool to let go of the old and to find love within as well as universally. 3. Now visualize a pillar of brilliant golden Light emanating from the core of the planet Venus and flowing through all beings on Earth, then flowing through your body to the core of planet Earth. Visualize another pillar of blue-green Light rising from the Earth’s core, then up through your body and into the sky toward all higher dimensional beings of Venus. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light of the two sister planets, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes and visualize the connection between Earth and Venus strengthening with each breath you take.

4. Visualize the planet Venus sending renewed Goddess energy toward the surface of the Earth. Visualize this energy activating the inner feminine essence in everyone on the surface of the Earth, balancing it with their inner masculine essence. Visualize everyone remembering their inner child.

5. Now visualize a whole new reality for the Earth being activated in a peaceful, non-shocking way, and visualize the full activation of the Cintamani Light Grid. Visualize all Lightwarriors and Lightworkers being purified with a Violet Flame, being surrounded by the love of the pink Liquid Light of EELA, the Sirian angel of Love, and being liberated from all programming, control or suppression with the White Fire of AN.

6. Visualize eternal peace being established on Earth with the second renaissance of both scientific and spiritual knowledge.

Goddess wants a new beginning and a new beginning it shall be!

More info at:

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