
The New Butterfly Effect ⁂ Boost Positive Energy Vibrations ⁂ Positive Vibes Meditation Music

Starting new year with Positive Energy Vibes - January is the month of positive energy - the month of new vibration.

Everything we do has some effect. Even via our slightest smile - we are sending some positive vibes out there in the universe, which causes that small ripples in the energy field around us and in the universe. like the butterfly effect ... we are sending these positive vibes ... via our music .... out to you . .... out to the universe... and we believe that it will have some positive ripple effect out there... and with everyone of you listening to these positive vibes... we might be able to effect our collective consciousness in a positive and blissful way...

We wish all of you a lots of good vibes ... always!!

Stay Happy ... Stay Blessed!!

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