
“Live with Nassim” • September 2020

Contributing Members of Resonance Science Foundation ask our Director of Research, Nassim Haramein, questions on zoom each month for these "Live with Nassim" events in the Resonance Academy.

Enroll in our free Unified Science Course with Nassim Haramein, faculty & participants from 80+ countries: https://www.resonancescience.org/academy

Learn more about becoming contributing member: https://www.resonancescience.org/cont...

Contributing Members gain access to:

• The first session of every Elective Course
• Ask questions live on monthly "Live with Nassim" calls 
• Ask questions live on monthly Faculty Q&A calls 
• Monthly Breakout Groups where you get to connect with other members 
• An extensive archive of "Live with Nassim" & Faculty Q&A calls 
• Access to a member-only Community Forum 
• Access to a member-only Facebook group 
• The Connected Universe movie (More member content added monthly)


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