
Mei-lan - Mystical Cave (Live with James Gibson)

My Divine Partner Course is 70% off until March 3rd. You may receive it here:


My partner James and I were going through the Divine Partner Course together and we felt inspired to add our favorite song to the course. Then we realized, what better way to share it than perform it live for you! A beautiful example of divine partnership is when two people take what they both love and unite in it. This is exactly what happens when James plays his guitar with me and when I sing with him. When we do this together, what is created is truly bigger and more beautiful than anything we can create when we are separate.

In this same way, the Divine Partner Course comes from our connected energies; we both poured our hearts and our gifts into it and it is our pleasure to provide it for you. May it nourish your heart and support you into love.

All our love always, ~Mei-lan and James

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