
Caroline Oceana Ryan: Starseed 🌟 Lightworkers: Shadow Work in Powerful 🌞 Solar Light 🌞

Starseed 🌟 Lightworkers: Shadow Work in Powerful 🌞 Solar Light 🌞 A channeling on how higher Light is helping us release the shadows from our spirits and consciousness.

To read the full channeling, go to: https://tinyurl.com/5ct2h9su.
Caroline Oceana Ryan of AscensionTimes.com offers this channeling on the shadow work that Lightworkers, Starseed and all on the Ascension path are experiencing now.

The Collective explain why the Ascension symptoms are so high now, as powerful solar Light particles purge the presence of dark forces on the planet, and in our own consciousness.

And how our 5D skills are returning, as we begin to resonate more with our galactic or star family, and fifth dimensional life.

Thanks for watching this video. If you like it, please be sure to subscribe to my channel, so you don’t miss anything!
These videos are mainly channeled from the Collective, a group of Archangels, Angelic legions, Ascended Masters, galactic Star Nation family members, Earth elements, and other beautiful higher beings assisting us in the move to the fifth dimension.
Each video offers higher energies, encouraging wisdom, and practical insights to help guide you through these intense times of transformation.

Subscribe to my channel here: https://tinyurl.com/4c6mv6e7.

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