
Benjamin Fulford 06.09.2016: Khazarische Mafia bietet Rückgabe des Zarengolds gegen Schutz und Unterschlupf in Russland

Zuverlässige russische und CIA Kontakte erzählten der White Dragon Society, dass die obersten Bosse der chasarische Mafia Unterschlupf in Russland für Gold suchen. Dies ist nur das jüngste in eine ganze Reihe von Zeichen, dass die chasarische Mafia-Herrschaft auf dem Planeten Erde bröckelt. Die White Dragon Society und ihre Verbündeten gehen weiterhin die Offensive mit dem Ziel, dauerhaft ein Ende ihrer Herrschaft so früh wie möglich noch in diesem Herbst zu erreichen.

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Reliable Russian and CIA contacts both told the White Dragon Society that the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia are seeking to trade shelter in Russia for gold. This is just the latest in a whole slew of signs Khazarian mafia rule of the planet earth is crumbling. The White Dragon Society and its allies will continue to press the offensive with the aim of permanently ending their rule as early as this autumn.

Related Benjamin Fulford -- July 15th 2016: Gold reward offered for the capture of Khazarian gangsters [and] Message in French from the White Dragon Society

Another big sign of Khazarian mafia defeat has been the degrading treatment given to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporate spokesperson Barack Obama in Asia and elsewhere. Obama was literally denied red carpet treatment on his arrival in China for last weekend’s G20 summit. This was in sharp contrast to the super VIP treatment given to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has been recommended to China by the WDS as a better leader for North America than either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Trudeau was treated like a superstar in China during a one week visit that resulted in Canada publicly dumping its support of the US corporate government by announcing its intention to join the China led AIIB.

Related Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Formally Established (New Rival To The World Bank)

Japan is now expected to follow suit, leaving the US corporate government isolated on the world stage.

Obama was also forced to cancel a planned meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte after Duterte called him a “son of a whore.”


Barack Obama cancels meeting after Philippines president …

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This matters because the US corporate shift to Asia depended in large part on stoking territorial disputes between China the Philippines and other ASEAN countries. Instead, the ASEAN countries agreed with China to settle their territorial disputes peacefully.

There is a lot more humiliation and hopefully oblivion in store for the US corporate government as the September 31st fiscal year end approaches. Efforts to finally bankrupt them center on international dumping of US Treasury bonds combined with gold buying. There is also a huge campaign under way now to make sure the supply of drug and oil money to the Federal Reserve Board and its US corporate government subsidiary is cut off so they will be unable to kick the bankruptcy can down the road any further.

Related Central Banks Selling Off US Treasuries, Dumping as Fast as Possible!

Duterte’s murderous campaign against drug dealers in the Philippines is just one aspect of this. The big campaign to cut off cocaine money from South America is also intensifying. The US military white hats are doing their part by cutting off all Bush/Clinton Nazi faction CIA drug flights through the Incirlik airbase in Turkey, the Ramstein airbase in Germany and the Bondsteel base in Kosovo, Pentagon sources say.

The recent confusing and contradictory news about ISIS in Iraq and Syria is all about cutting off oil revenue to the Bush/Clinton faction of the cabal. The Russians and US military white hats are now cooperating with the Turks, the Iranians and the Syrians to make this happen.

The situation has reached the point where the handlers of Hillary Clinton contacted the WDS to say they were planning to end Hillary’s bid for President. They are either going to use her poor health as a reason for her to quit or else they will have her assassinated in a way that makes it look Donald Trump was involved, the Clinton handlers say. Recent US corporate media headlines indicate it is the heath option they are going to choose.


Related FBI Files Linking Hillary Clinton To “Suicide” Of Vince Foster Vanished From National Archives

There is also growing evidence that most Hillary Clinton public appearances being shown in the media are being done with blue screen technology, meaning she is either avoiding dealing with real audiences or that she is no longer around. A high level P2 freemason lodge source says that look-alikes or clones can only be used to read pre-written speeches or cut ribbons but are not able to carry out complex conversations. This may explain why Hillary has been avoiding press conferences for close to a year.

[The preceding text is only a partial update.
The full text will be added to this post in a few days.]

[Help support Benjamin by purchasing a subscription at benjaminfulford.net]

Quelle: http://sitsshow.blogspot.de/2016/09/Benjamin-Fulford-Khazarian-mafia-bosses-offer-to-return-Tsarist-gold-to-Russia-in-exchange-for-shelter.html

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