
Benjamin Fulford Update, 26 September 2016 - Major world power struggles and changes due in October

Multiple, reliable sources inside the world’s intelligence agencies and secret societies are predicting major changes in the world’s power structure in October. The struggle is centering on who will control the United States and its military industrial complex, the sources agree.

CIA and Pentagon sources are now both saying neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States. However, they disagree on who will become president, showing that the issue is still up for grabs.

US based CIA sources are still insisting Vice President Joe Biden will become President only to be quickly replaced by VP candidate Tim Kaine. These sources are also saying there is a faction pushing to have Michelle Obama become President thus de-facto prolonging the Obama Presidency.

However, Pentagon sources say a Biden Presidency “would be a disaster.” They are saying that instead “The October surprise may have the Republic restored and new candidates for President like speaker Paul Ryan (R) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (Dem), who gained national profile for publically flogging Wells Fargo CEO.”

The White Dragon Society, for its part, is recommending that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau head a North American Union. When the US and Canada parted ways in 1776, the Americans opted for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” while the Canadians promoted the more prosaic “good government.”

The institutions of the United States are now so corrupted it may well take friendly outsiders like the Canadians to clean them up. It is also worth noting that Scotland only became part of England because a Scottish king ended up ruling both, so having a Canadian rule the US would have a similar result in the long term. Also a United States of North America would have a population of 475 million and would thus be a much stronger entity. Absorbing the 122 million relatively poor Mexicans would be the main drawback to this proposal but at the same time, these Mexicans would help North American industry compete with the Asians.

These topics came up during negotiations between WDS representatives, CIA white hats and Asian secret society plus Chinese government representatives last weekend. The talks went very well.

It was agreed between the Chinese government and the CIA that massive funding would be made available for...

Quelle: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/09/26/major-world-power-struggles-and-changes-due-in-october/

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