
January 2017 ~ Year of Wisdom ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus

Year of Wisdom ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus
By Anrita Mechizedek

Elders January Transmission 2017
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Transcribe http://www.pleiadianlight.net/eye-of-...

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this sacred month of January as you enter into this new nine year cycle, and deeper into your Christed Hearts and the pathway of Divine Love.

Sweet ones, where you are now, at this time of new beginnings, is within a deepening flow of creative inspirations, focus, and abounding synchronicities activated through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, to bring about your heart’s dreaming and the changes you wish to co-create within your own lives upon this sacred earth.

Through the many planetary activities of Light in 2016, the diamond light rays of creation, bringing deeper levels of your purity, innocence and divinity, and the third wave of photonic light frequencies activated in early September, you entered into the third wave of the I Am Avatar Consciousness. The first wave in December/January, followed by the second wave in April/May, brought about increased levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and interconnectivity, while clearing the remnants of misaligned energies. And through the third wave, you deepened into the quantum starlight streaming of your multidimensional selves and the New Earth geometries as well as deeper into alignment with Source through the petals of your Christed Heart, with a renewed sense of your magnificence and Light and expression of your Soul's note as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

This level of Christ Consciousness, called the fourth level of Christ Consciousness, is depicted through a sphere that comes in approximately 12 feet in diameter around you, and is Overlighted by the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, who greatly assisted in 2016 in a rebalancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, and in particular, the archetypal blueprint of the Divine Masculine archetype, and the merging of the Andromedan and Milky Way Galaxies into what is called the Golden Rose Galaxy. At this dimensional level, there is a focus on the sacred geometry of the icosahedron, brought about through the sixteenth ray of Inter-Galactic Christ Consciousness, a beautiful golden-white Flame of Light taking you deeper into expansion and integration. While these geometries may seem less important to your experience of the collective energies of Christ Consciousness sweet ones, what is occurring now is a renewed activation of the sacred geometries, numerologies and fractal geometries through the New Earth Templates which allows for a deep flow of surrender and trust, in the knowing that the highest outcome will always prevail, no matter the situation from an outward perspective. Within the Unity Grid of Divine Love, this matrix of Light that weaves through you, within you and around you and this sacred earth, are the energetic cords that connect you at a Soul level, not only into the experience of the planetary energies, the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love, but also to those souls you will meet along the path of Divine Love. So each experience that now unfolds as you touch the hearts of others, will bring greater levels of wisdom, illumination and insight to you personally as well as to all life on this sacred earth. 

Many of you may have noticed in the last two to three months the significance of the numbers repeating in the Christ Consciousness frequencies of 11 as well as the dimensional frequency units, such as 11:11, 11:22, 12:12, 22:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 and so on. These frequencies, numerologically and geometrically have now taken you into the next level of your Soul’s Forward Evolution and for many of you, 2016 was the laying of these foundations, as you now deepen into your leadership roles as sacred custodians and wayshowers on this sacred earth. You may have changed jobs, locations, friends, or let go of many relationships that no longer serve you.

More: http://www.pleiadianlight.net

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