
Magenta Star Astral Chakra Activation – The Ankh Key – Starseeds – Andromeda

Greetings Everyone! I hope that all of you are doing phenomenally well and that this year has started off beautifully for you. The channeling that you are about to hear is talking about something very interesting, the effects of the latest energy influx on STARSEEDS and the color MAGENTA.

There’s a lot that I wish to share with you. In this message I will talk about the color Magenta and what it means. The Magenta, Soul Star, Astral Chakra, 8th chakra or Alto Chakra as it is sometimes called. I will also talk about the Sacral Chakra and the reason that you may be feeling various changes relating to sex and intimacy at this time. How the color Magenta can help you. The ANKH key and why it is important at this time. I will also share an etheric seal with you to help balance out your sacral charka and a musical Soul Star Chakra Attunement created with the 528 HZ Miracle Healing Frequencies, to the help you to balance, activate and connect to your own Soul Star Chakra! As you can see there’s a lot that I wish to share with you today, before I do so however, here is a channeling that I have received from the Andromedian Counsel of Light

“Magenta principles of benign encounters with the fifth dimensional kind has begun to unfold rapidly within the vicinity of those who have come from the stars. Known as Starseeds in your world, said beings are capable of holding large quantities of quantum space energies and transmitting said energies through their very vessels of time and space to all.

The magenta principles of BEing is that which shall assists said souls at the time of creation and collaboration in anchoring said energies entering your planet at rapid speeds. The magenta principles of BEing shall assist those of you longing to return home, home to your respective planets and stars, return to your star families and your cognitive reality cycles. For, many of you are finding yourselves in the space of a void creation, a space of a void from which all shall begin to organize and be created through the spectrum of light with the magenta principles prominently displaying the curative of adventure which you are presently experiencing on planet earth.

The longing, sadness and melancholy, grief and a feeling of loss is taking many of you who hail from the stars by the storm. For in the evolving and changing landscape of GAIA’s frequencies, you recognize and recall the memories of the past, the memories with which you have arrived on said shores, the memories of having gone through the very same energetic frequencies eons into the past in your distant galactic abodes from which you have hailed onto the present matrix of Gaia.

And in such resonance you recall the destructions that took place on many of planets eons into that past, the destructions and changes which you recognize as destructive forces rising from the very sacred space of the beholders. In said resonance you recall the very sensations that you have experienced upon the changes taking place in your distant homes.

Rest assured dearly beloved children of the stars that, that which you have experienced eons into the past, shall not befall the human race, for it is due to your diligence and adherence to the galactic principles of BEing, that the human race and all dwelling on Gaia are being assisted, invoked and infused every moment with the heavenly energies of ascension.

Rest assured that due to your presence all human souls shall find respite within the inner heart space of their sojourns. For the rising energies of the past are being transmuted by all of you stationed on GAIA, and through your vehicles of ascension, through your vehicles of creation through your vehicles of manifestation you are bringing forth the changes, inner know how, inner knowing and balance to all earthlings.

For the tremulous past of your galactic selves shall bypass all earthlings and deliver all presently awakening to, and walking the path of ascension to the shores of love, unconditional understanding, acceptance, purity , magnificence and bliss.

No matter the turbulence of the currents flowing through GAIA, it is your diligent adherence to the galactic principles of LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE, HARMONY, BLISS AND BALANCE, that you shall walk through these times with fervor and might. Know that your light is very much needed by all.

Remember, that you have been prepared well for the present momentum, remember and recognize the divinity within, remember and utilize all the tools at your disposal, and if you shall find yourselves a bit confused, lost or melancholic, know that you can always call upon us for guidance, assistance, support, love and light. For we walk with you hand in hand and foot in foot, for we have arrived and are utilizing all the available specters of light in order to envelope you in the healing, protective, loving and creative energies sent to you from the center of your universe. Know that you are being supported by all that is, know that you ARE all that is. Know that you are Loved unconditionally.

That is all what we have for you now, WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.


What our benevolent Andromedian Counterparts are trying to tell us is that color MAGENTA is very beneficial right now for all of us, but especially those who have come from the stars. It is quite interesting that I have been feeling drawn to this very color in the last few days, a color that I normally would not pay attention to.

In her book “Color Therapy for Energy Workers” Francine Milford writes “The Magenta charka is located just above the Crown Charka. It is sometimes called the 8th chakra and other times the Alto Chakra, the God’s Head chakra or the 12th chakra. It is associated with the blueprints for our soul (Akashic Record).

The color Magenta is associated with our outlook on life and our ability to create balance and harmony in our everyday experiences. Those experiences include physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Magenta is a blend of red and violet. Because Magenta represents both ends of the rainbow colors, it is sometimes called the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

With magenta, you can strengthen your ESP abilities as well as your spiritual development. Magenta helps you to rise above petty life dramas and situations by giving you an awareness of the bigger picture. Along with this awareness comes a greater understanding and knowledge of what the unfolding drama really represents to you and to those involved. It allows you to sit back and become the observer rather than the injured party or participate (if you so choose).

The color magenta can be used to create change in your life. It can help you to release old emotions and situations that don’t serve you anymore. It can also help you to move forward in life in the transformation process.

Use magenta to Create emotional balance, physical balance, spiritual balance, personal growth, release old patterns, compassion, tolerance, acceptance of others, patience, increase positivity and bring about positive change, deep joy, increase dream activity and ESP as well as assist in negotiating skills. For more information please pick up a copy of Francis’s book or visit her site at http://www.francinemilford.com/

SACRAL CHAKRA & THE ANKH KEY – It was also explained to me by my guides that our sacral charka is going through cleansing and purification and so, many of our emotions relating to sex and intimacy may be rising at this time. Suppressed feelings regarding various sexual encounters that left a negative mark. A feeling of shame and guilt relating to various sexual desires or lack thereof. Diminished sexual vitality or on the contrary an increase in “sexual appetite” so to speak. Various sensations in your sacral chakra which you may not have had for years, with sexual desires arising that may surprise you. Thinking about previous relationships and/or sexual encounters. Or a sudden lack of desire for sex and intimacy. Anything and everything having to do with sex and intimacy may be coming up for you right now. If that is so, please know that this is a normal process and that our sacral chakras are being worked on in order to allow us to be grounded enough in our physical bodies to connect with the divine and build that bridge between “heaven and earth”.

The Sacral Chakra is magnificent and awe inspiring! It manages a lot of very important human functions. The psychic ability of Clairsentience can be developed by working with the 2ndChakra. This enables us to sense the feelings, motivations and attachments of others, and also helps us to put ourselves in somebody else’s “emotional shoes”. The energy perception here is an emotional one – we primarily get sensory information through our feelings (you must be familiar with the term “gut instinct”). (source: The Chakra Shack)


Which brings me to the Seal that I was instructed to share with you today to help you balance out your sacral chakra. As you can see from the picture below this is a seal of the ANKH key rising from the “six pointed star” or the star of david as its commonly known, representing “as above, so below”, masculine and feminine, yin and yang.

ANKH key is a very powerful symbol. Ankh, also called the Egyptian cross was a symbol of life itself. The Ankh represented eternal life.It signified wisdom and insight on the highest level and it was also a fertility symbol. As a symbol of fertility the loop represented the vagina and the line below the penis in union with the vagina. This certainly also reflects the creation of new life not to be misunderstood. This is man and woman in perfect union. By joining together man and woman in perfect harmony, new life is created. The arms stretching out is said to represent the children created from the unification of male and female. From the spiritual point of view the ankh represented the key to all hidden knowledge. The loop symbolized the eternal soul as it has no beginning or end. The cross in this spiritual interpretation represented death. The ankh was the key to unraveling the mysteries of life and death. (Source: Goodlucksymbols.com)

The way that you would use this seal is simply by meditating on the picture provided here for you. For increased balancing action you can use the ANKH KEY tool created by Natalya Ankh of which I spoke to you before.

In one of my previous channelings I was explained that “”Many on your planet are affected by negative vibrations having to do with intimacy, intimacy on all levels both physical and psychological. That which is seen as natural sensation (sex) is seen as taboo in your world, and/or on the contrary is regarded with absolute lack of reverence, resulting in over indulgence. The key components of the ANKH tool thus brings one into alignment with the natural raw instincts, thus allowing the suppression of natural sensations to seize and a healthy balance to be achieved, whereby one learns to take full advantage of said forces rising from within. As the energies of ascension continue to escalate, your vehicles are cleansed and purified, pushing out all the misconceptions carried over from your ancestors and your upbringing regarding said frequencies, and as such, your sacral and base chakras are being cleared, purified and balanced. For some, this process results in uncomfortable feeling of suppressed emotions regarding intimacy and sex to arise, and said tool shall assist in balancing said waves of energetic upgrades, allowing one to find balance within. ”

The way that you would use this disc is place it on your sacral chakra for a few minutes a day to allow the cleansing and clearing, strengthening and activation, attunement and a feeling of peace to envelope you.

For more information about the ANKH KEY by Natalya Ankh please visit www.NatalyaAnkh.com

And finally the musical tones of ascension which have been brought through for you to enjoy and use to activate and balance your Soul Star Chakra, by a brilliant composer Richard Domina. I have worked with Richard on a previous musical attunement that I shared a few weeks ago with you. This attunement was created with 528hz frequencies. According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.

I have put together this video activation for you, to help you get in tune with your Souls Star Chakra. I hope it helps you on your ascension journey. If you liked this attunement and wish to connect with Richard please e-mail him at dominahartt{at}gmail.com

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL– https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Quelle: https://sacredascensionmerkaba.com/2017/01/16/magenta-star-astral-chakra-activation-the-ankh-key-starseeds-andromeda/

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