
Accessing the Power of the Universe of the Creator by Master El Morya

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 14th July 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings wise beings of light upon the Earth, I am Master El Morya, Chohan and overseer of the First Ray of Light. I bring forth to you today the love, blessings and support of the Universe of the Creator for you to absorb and anchor into your being. Please accept the light and allow it to create magnificent transformations within your being.

You are a Reactive Being

As a light being in a human body, you are reactive by nature. Often it is understood that upon the Earth there is a need to dissolve the negative reactive responses of your being. In order to do so, it is important to recognise that negative reactive responses can cause chaos in your being if not recognised and dissolved quickly. Many people believe that there is a need for them to react to situations, energies and people around them from a neutral space or from a source of love. This is ideal as it allows you to open your energy channels to further express the Creator. However, in order to reach a place of reacting naturally from a space of love, without thinking or focusing your energy, there is a need to realise that it is in your nature to react in a loving, creative and beautiful way with the Creator and all that is the Creator. As you express energy, so it attracts and meets with energy, a reaction or transformation takes place which supports a synthesis, and so the Creator’s energy is magnified.

It is in your nature to respond to the Creator within you and around you.

As a human being, you hold energetic patterns and behaviours which influence the way in which you respond to the Creator within your reality and within you. When these are purified, aligned with your soul and your desires then you become a naturally loving reactive being in constant correspondence and response with the Creator. You become a mirror of all that is the Creator and a being constantly transforming as well as magnifying the Creator.

The Universe is Reacting to You

The Universe of the Creator is in a constant flow of communication, response and reaction. The Universe is constantly transforming and becoming expansive. You and the Universe of the Creator are the same; you are one with a constant stream of communication. You are reacting within your being to the Universe of the Creator, without even realising it. The Universe of the Creator is reacting to the shifts and awakening which are occurring within your being at all times. When you recognise your constant connection and interaction with the Universe of the Creator, you recognise your role in the divine plan of the Creator. You recognise that you are a valued aspect of the Creator and that your entire reality has a purpose which is to co-create with the Universe of the Creator in order to further express the Creator. No longer is your existence on the Earth simply about you and living a physical life, although these are very important and essential to your ascension. A more expansive understanding manifests where you recognise that through your thoughts, emotions and actions you are in communication and correspondence with a great body of light known as the Universe of the Creator. Through your reality, you are giving energy, love and wisdom to the Universe of the Creator and receiving the same from the Universe of the Creator. This creates magic as the Creator takes numerous creative forms, colours and vibrations which further inspire every aspect and extension of the Creator.

The Universe of the Creator is……….

Every aspect, form, extension and expression the Creator has and is in manifestation as. The energy body, levels and dimensions of the Creator existing in harmony. The Earth and other planets or star systems are included in the Universe of the Creator. It is only in the perceptions of humanity that there is a separation between the Earth and the Universe of the Creator. We can recognise the Universe of the Creator as the home of all light beings and expressions of the Creator.

Embrace the Universe of the Creator

Often many souls can be fearful of the energetic realms, light beings and even the presence of the Creator. Embracing the Universe of the Creator may bring forth resistance due to the Universe of the Creator being unknown to them and an uncertainty if negative energies are present. When you embrace the Universe of the Creator from a space of love, peace and trust within you then the Universe of the Creator will embrace you with the same intentions. If you choose to embrace or send out to the Universe of the Creator fear, negativity and suffering, then the Universe of the Creator will embrace you in the same way. Every part of life whether it is earthly life or inner planes life is simply a mirror of all that is within us. We could say that the Universe outside of us doesn’t exist, it is only a representative of the energy within us. The Universe of the Creator is within you.

Take time to form a deeper relationship with the Universe of the Creator, allowing yourself to embrace the Creator and be embraced by the Creator.

Allow yourself to enter into a state of peace and relaxation by breathing deeply.

Focus upon and energise feelings and sensations of peace, love and trust within your heart chakra until you feel the energies overflowing and flooding into your entire being.

Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you and the energies of peace, love and trust are immensely powerful and expansive. Your energy expands so easily that it feels that you are embracing and cradling the entire Universe of the Creator. You could imagine that you are embracing the Creator and all that is the Creator. Your light and love is seeping into the Universe of the Creator. It is as if the Universe of the Creator is existing within you.

Enjoy this experience and observe how your own being responses to embracing the Universe the Creator. You are in conversation with the Universe of the Creator now this is creating beautiful and magnificent transformations within your own being and the Universe of the Creator. Take time to simply be and observe.

In your own words invite the Universe of the Creator to embrace you. Energy and light will begin to flood your being from within you and all around. You may feel as if you are still embracing the Universe of the However, you may also now feel the 100 % support the Universe of the Creator has for you. It is important to allow and surrender to the support the Universe of the Creator wishes to share with you, in whichever way it manifests.

Enjoy this experience and observe how your own being responses to being embraced by the Universe the Creator. You are in conversation with the Universe of the Creator now this is creating beautiful and magnificent transformations within your own being and the Universe of the Creator. Take time to simply be and observe.

To complete the process breath into your Earth Star Chakra below your feet focusing on the energy and transformations you have received from the Universe of the Creator grounding.

The new perception I, Master El Morya, have shared with you and the experience of being in unison with the Universe of the Creator will encourage a deep awakening within your being as well as your energy channels opening to allow for greater experiences of the Creator’s light. You may notice that your trust in yourself and the world around you enhances as well as noticing the energy of the Universe of the Creator coming to meet you in your reality sharing beautiful and magnificent gifts with you. This will be because you are sharing beautiful and magnificent gifts with the Universe of the Creator through your focus upon embracing the Universe of the Creator.

Let the Universe of the Creator support, guide and assist you in meeting the Creator more fully within your being, while also co-creating with you in your reality. When you embrace the Universe of the Creator and allow the Universe of the Creator to embrace you, so you access the power of the Creator and lovingly wield it in your reality. It is time to access your power and lovingly use it on the Earth to aid all in remembering the support and divine union with the Universe of the Creator which is their natural existence. Through this process many illusions, boundaries, limitations and resistance will be dissolve and erased from the consciousness of humanity.

In Creator love and power,
Master El Morya

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