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David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with none other than Pete Peterson. So Pete, welcome back to the program.

Pete Peterson
: Thank you.

David: We were talking in a previous episode about giant extraterrestrials that you said came here. And we ended on kind of a cliffhanger.

You said that to the best of your knowledge, there are crashes in Antarctica. And that the lowest of these crashes occurred where it was still a continent that did not have ice on it but was more like a tropical type of environment.

Could you tell us a little bit more about what happened there? And you had said something about people that were as high as 37 feet tall.

Pete: It's my understanding that some of the people from that . . . We call it the 'lowest crash' because it's deeper under the ice.

And along with . . . What happened was, there was a spaceship crash. You'd think that people with high technology would have less crashes, and they probably do. But when you think of coming across the galaxy and the fact that they are probably going to be . . . At that time, they probably didn't have time travel. Or they probably didn't have a way to put people to sleep with no degeneration over long periods of time.

David: Hm.

Pete: You know, there are many things that can happen. And as perfect as man, or modern man, or ancient man, or far more intelligent man than we are, builds things, they're still going to have problems.

There are electronic parts that you build them as good as you can. We've done tons of beautiful things for outer space.

We've built them up so that they won't be hit by micrometeorites. We've built them up for a number of reasons, but we still don't get everything. So it's natural that they would have crashes. We've had a lot of UFO crashes.

David: Do you think it's possible they were in a war, that they might have been shot down?

Pete: Well, now, there are always . . . there's always been wars. But there have been things like the terrestrial, in other words, the nearer a planet, navigation and steerage of a lot of these early craft were done based on magnetic lines.

Well, when you get near a pole, the magnetic lines, instead of being nice and parallel, and parallel to the surface, where you could go over the surface, [at] the poles they bend in.

David: Right.

Pete: And go in the electromagnetic or geomagnetic pole; they go in. Well, here's a craft that's stabilizing itself on these things, and all of a sudden it gets sucked sideways and down to go in.

And so that's why there were probably more crashes in the Antarctic and Arctic regions.

David: Do you think there was something that was desirable in that area for why they wanted to try to land there even if there is this problem with the magnetic field?

Pete: Well, why did we want to go there? Why do we have a huge ice station there? There's all kinds of things that happen in the different environments that's there.

There's a lot of growth of organic chemicals, organic living chemicals. There's a lot of growth that can happen there that can't happen where we have a downward gravity rather than an inward gravity.

There are a lot of minerals and metals processing, semiconductor processing tasks, that can take place when gravity is different, and when the electromagnetic field is different.

David: What was the approximate size of this ship to your knowledge – the oldest one?

Pete: The oldest one, I think, was probably about 300, maybe 300 feet in diameter.

David: How was it first discovered in modern times?

Pete: It was discovered by some of our spy satellites.

David: About what time did we start to try to get down there and explore this ship, that you know of?

Pete: Oh, boy. I had to be, I don't know, 16 years old.

David: Hm.

Pete: I'm 77.

David: 77 now?

Pete: 60 years ago.

David: 60 years ago? So 2017, we're talking about . . . now we're talking about like the late 1950s?

Pete: Yeah. Yeah.

David: What was the level of excitement about this kind of discovery? I mean, that sounds way more interesting than Roswell.

Pete: Well, we couldn't tell exactly what it was. In the beginning were lumps, you know? They're lumps, but they're not lumps that appear to be made by nature. They're lumps that appear to be made by man.

David: Right.

Pete: In other words, their geometricity was something that man would have done. So that's what got us excited.

But, they're, you know, they're three miles deep in an area that's . . . would freeze you in about 30 seconds if you don't have proper clothing on, on the surface.

And so you have to have special tools to even go after it. It's three miles deep. How are you going to go there?

You know pretty much that where this was, was in a valley, because there are mountains – there are mountains underground that are probably 2½, 3 miles deep, or high.

David: Right.

Pete: And so, you know, it's been known to be there. Because of the fact that it was known, that's where they built some of the ice stations over the top, so eventually, maybe, we'd find a . . . drill a hole, or find a way to go down.

Also, there are layers of things that are obviously man-made things coming up from that area, because it's now . . . That ice there is now three miles plus or minus deep.

David: Did anyone find a hatch or a door or anything that would eventually allow them to get inside the ship?

Pete: No.

David: Okay.

Pete: It looks like . . . It looks like . . . I mean, the vegetation . . . There's a lot of vegetation surrounding it. That's kind of blurred the view that we had in the meantime, because the carbon absorbs radio waves, which is what we had to look at things.

So as our technology grew, we found better ways to look at the same pictures.

David: Well, could you just give us a view of what the hull looked like? If we eventually got to the point that we could reach the hull . . .

Pete: Oh, I have. We made the hull. [Note: I think, Pete thinks David has said 'hole',] It was all . . . It was all ice.

David: Okay.

Pete: So we're digging it out.

David: What did we see when we finally got down to the hull? What did the hull look like?

Pete: Well, it was metallic. It was long and tubular.

David: Did there . . . Were there any structures on it, or was it just totally smooth?

Pete: It had rivets, but they were surface rivets. I mean, they were chamfered, chamfered in, so they'd rivet. But that's not a rounded head that sticks up off the . . . off the surface.

David: Was there anything unusual about the material of the hull?

Pete: Oh, yes, very unusual, very unusual characteristics. We've not ever found – and this is normal, I would think – we've not ever found elements that were different from our normal table of the elements.

I mean, we say, “Okay, you have a nucleus and so many protons, so many neutrons.” And then you have electron rings. Let's say there are different rings around that.

David: Right. The periodic table is all there is. That's everything.

Pete: Yeah. But we have found some that can be . . . There are things that can be radionically changed. Like, for example, a water molecule has been used for . . . water's been used for healing for as far as back as we have history.

And the way that they use water for healing is that they lay on of hands and give it a different, a different . . .

David: So you're saying there was some material science breakthroughs in the hull? Could you tell us?

Pete: Oh, absolutely. I don't know what they were. That wasn't my . . . why I was involved at the time.

David: But what was strange about the hull? What was the physical thing we could observe?

Pete: Oh, what was strange about the hull was, it was there; it was as old as it was. We knew that people had visited here long before there were human beings, long before there were apes, long before there were any precursors to human beings.

I mean, we've gone through numerous complete changes.

David: You had told me before that when people tried to cut a piece out of the hull and pull it away that something happened that was unusual.

Pete: Yeah.

David: What happened?

Pete: It didn't cut out and it didn't pull away. Ha, ha. It pulled back.

David: It pulled back?

Pete: It was bent to be part of what it was.

David: So there was some gravitational weird attraction?

Pete: No. It was an informational field that was built around it, which is where . . . which is where after probably 15 years of study, I kind of figured out that there was a whole set of science that was dealt with . . . dealt with information.

David: You're saying that the hull had self-healing qualities?

Pete: It had self . . . It had self-preservation qualities.

David: So if I tried to cut a piece out, what would happen if I tried to pull that piece away from the ship?

Pete: Well, you would, say, probably start with a diamond saw. Today, you would start with a cubic boron nitrite saw – four times harder than diamond. You can cut diamond with it like butter.

And it started with a saw of some kind. You might have started with a torch. We tried a torch.

The metal would get metallic and you'd pull the torch away and go back, and it would be exactly the way it was before it got metallic.

David: Wow!

Pete: And it wouldn't run down the side. It would kind of wobble like an egg white.

David: Was there speculation that there might have been nanites inside the material, like nano robots, that were doing this?

Pete: No.

David: Huh.

Pete: I mean, that . . . I think there were those things at that time, but they wouldn't have been used there in that place.

David: What happened if there were larger cracks in the ship? Like, let's say that it broke in a certain area, water got in, it turns to ice and the ice expands?

Pete: It didn't work that way.

David: What happened?

Pete: It self-healed.

David: Hm.

Pete: I mean, they weren't cracks, there were bends. But it was like . . . It was like, you know, trying to stretch a shoe sole. You know, they're built to be flat and you walk on them, but you can bend them more than 90 degrees, and you put them on and walk on them some more and no damage.

So the metal was very, very, highly flexible.

David: So as the ice melted and turned to water, what happened to the cracks, if there were any cracks in the hull?

Pete: Okay, what we're talking about is ice inside the craft which expands as it freezes.

David: Okay.

Pete: It pushed apart in certain areas. It looked like this thing might have been built with a design in, again, six-sided tiles that fit together.

And it – like playing with magnets – that they would have magnetically stuck together but melded.

David: Wow!

Pete: And so when you tried to tear the thing, it like came apart and in like bricks that it was made out of, like LEGO blocks, in a way – not as technical as LEGO blocks.

David: Okay.

Pete: Just sides that fit. So it evidently shut it off.

It also appears that when, in that original time . . . Remember, it was a tropical area, not semi-tropical, a tropical area.

It looks like it might have been moved there. A part of it might have been moved there, because it looks like the freezing that took place . . . because this craft was completely waterproof. So it looks like what happened was it started freezing, it started making pressure, these blocks started coming apart. And it may have been even magnetically, because they had some unbelievable magnets.

But anyway, it looks like these came apart, water got inside, then it froze, and then it shoved out, some of this stuff came apart.

And then when they got some heat down in there – to get the heat out so they can see what's inside this thing, you know, what kind of machinery is here, what kind of control surfaces are here – it went back together.

David: Wow!


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