
August 21st Solar Eclipse Mass Meditation (Informational Video in 432Hz) #EclipseEvent2017

Join us August 21st, 2017 for a mass meditation event at the Solar Eclipse! #EclipseEvent2017

Bring yourself and bring your family and friends if you'd like! The more minds joined in unity the better and the more of an effect it will have on the planetary situation.

We will be using the powerful energies of the August 21st Eclipse to declare our collective intention for Compression Breakthrough.

For the guided meditation in your language please go the following link:


Click the link below for the automatic conversion of the start time for your location:


We will be starting this meditation at 10:15 AM PDT (5:15 PM GMT) and will be doing it for 15 minutes.

For more information about the meditation itself please visit the link below:


For more information about The Event please visit the links below:


Thank you to Arbre Solaire (credit for the video photo cover and other collaborative information) and Ada from the Prepare for Change team for putting together the script! The video was put together by and rendered by me, Jonathan.

Music credit:
Stellardrone - Breathe in the Light 432Hz

Video credit:

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