
Disclosure Process Is Accelerating: Message From A Recent Crop Circle In Cley Hill

Crop Circle In Cley Hill, England – 7/18/2017

“We are ascending through a collective experience of disclosure that grows from within.” I was offered THAT during meditation recently by my guides/aspects. I was in a pretty high UP place energetically in which it becomes difficult to mentally track what I am experiencing and being offered. It becomes challenging to even remember much of what I’ve experienced and, very often, I pass out/crash nap as some kind of ‘rewiring’ is going on to really let it in beyond my conscious mind. ALL of this makes it challenging to write about and share what comes through, so I’m going to ask for help from my guides to help me out here and clear through the fog.

I started this meditation/journey by focusing on and letting in the latest crop circle that appeared in England sometime during the night of July 17, 2017 to be discovered on July 18th. Of course, this date ‘pings’ for us as it offers a sense of portal or gateway…..7/17/17….THAT is a lot of seven energy. Rather than go google what that means, I felt to check in with my guides about the crop circle, the message it offers us, and the significance of the date when it was offered to us.

I felt myself swirling around in the various sacred geometric shapes offered in the crop circle and I really FELT them and let them into my heart rather than tried to mentally understand them. I had a wood cutting of the flower of life figure on my third eye with an amethyst to help with this experience and a metatron’s cube cut out on my heart chakra with a rose quartz on top of it. I like the physicality of these shapes on my body and feel them much more this way in combination with the energy of the crystals. I haven’t ‘read’ anywhere to do this, it’s just what has felt natural and good. Whatever works and doesn’t harm anyone is my sense about these things. NO real RULES in meditation or when connecting with guides and higher self guidance.

The pyramids in the crop circle felt like alchemy, change, death and rebirth…..forces of change peaking UP and coming through. They also felt like gateways that can be ‘activated’ from within and of course represent the going UPward of our consciousness as what happens during ascension. The merkaba is the spirit light body, the vehicle to multidimensional travel and such a well-known symbol of the ascension process. When I felt the one in the crop circle, it was a collective merkaba, one that is available and possible for ALL of humanity. The collective merkaba offers the sense of our multi-dimensional essence and aspects, including Star BEing and angelic aspects/guides. The message came in strong then (fortified by the flower of life) that ascension is for ALL of humanity. Not just a select few choosing a higher timeline reality. Not just for those polarized toward love and light. It didn’t seem to mean that we NEED all of humanity in order to live New Earth in the Now as that is each of our individual choices toward love and not fear. Yet, the invitation seemed to be to remember that we are ALL ONE, so even when it feels like we are going a different way from so many souls in mainstream consciousness…..on another, higher level, we are COULD go together, are ALL invited to come along, and ARE all ascending if even one of us is.

The symbols that look like eights actually turned into the infinity symbol….elongated and stretched out, seeming to offer an invitation into our Infinite Love and Infinite Awareness sacred human essence. The infinity shapes (six of them) are side by side with six circles. This felt like a representation of the Infinite Circle of Life that lives in each of us and for which we are connected and sourced from. Along with the infinite possibilities available to us ALL….again, the energy was of a collective invitation to experience this sense of the Infinite inside of each of us as the Source of our existences.

And then, Metatron says, “There’s my cube!” or a modified version of it anyway and seemed proud of this and surprised. I asked him then who offered this crop circle to us and he replied, “Some friends. And friends of friends,” and then winked at me. I got the sense that the gift and message of this circle was not just from benevolent Star BEings/ETs who are waiting for us to BE more ready as a collective to begin the disclosure and connection process….yet, also, humans who are in the ‘know’ with the star BEings and working with them toward this end. I’ve heard this called by David Wilcock as The Alliance, so it could be that.

The sense of humans and star BEings ‘working together’ was a sweet one. Metatron shrugged a bit at the awe these crop circles produce as, in another way, it’s fairly ‘simple’ technology from a Star BEing perspective that creates them. Like that movie, The Gods Must Be Crazy, where the natives go crazy in awe over a coke bottle since they’ve never seen one, so we humans ‘go crazy’ when presented with something in our 3D reality that is NOT explainable by current science or the prevailing worldview of five sense reality filtering. At the core of us lives the indefinable mystery for which we are made and long to return and a deep sense of curiosity gets triggered by ‘unexplainable’ things like crop circles.

I LIKE that we can be awed though and I felt how much LOVE was in the offering of this crop circle too. The use of such obvious sacred geometry is like a bill board loudly announcing that the process of disclosure of Star Being reality is accelerating and collective ascension is continuing to be underway in the NOW. The main energies I felt were hope, Infinite Possibilities, and a deep, abiding love for humanity spiced with an acute eagerness to begin the collective collaboration process that WILL change our lives for the better and for all of the galaxies too!

I feel that this crop circle is also an invitation for each of us to meditate on it and hear, feel, see the message from it that we are meant to receive. It could be deeply personal for you in this phase of your ascension or it could be more a collective message or vision, as I received. No messages are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. The main sense is to trust that whatever comes is what you are meant to receive from your higher self and multidimensional aspects as you feel into ascension through the collective experience as it continues to bloom and grow from within.


Jelelle Awen is an Emoto-Spiritual Teacher, Soul Scribe, waySHOWer, and co-creator and teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of Sacred Human, Arising Wonder: Ascension Through Integration Of Your Emotional Body With Your Spirituality and Keep Waking Up! Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond

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