
Judas Iscariot: Cabal Is Vanquished, Prepare Yourself For An Abundance Rarely Seen

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Sananda July 16, 2017
Judas Iscariot (channeled messages)

Judas Iscariot

Tuesday, July 16, 2017
Channel: Ann Dahlberg

I am Judas Iscariot and I have an important message to you today. The cabal is vanquished and everything is going forward with giant steps. The last step of the processing of the currencies is done and the hour is very close for when they are released. It is time to prepare your self for an abundance rarely seen.

A new Earth and a new Heaven is about to be born in this part of the Universe. It is a holy energy that is now brought down to Earth. It is a holy and loving energy. Take it into you heart and you will feel the quietness and the holyness that it brings. If you take in this energy and feel it your hearts nothing can go wrong. All you do will manifest in front of your eyes. It is this energy that is constructing the loving Earth today. It is an energy that gives great awareness and help people to discern the best path for them selves and others. You can also find this energy in nature. By sitting and meditating in nature you will strengthen the energy. It also helps to go into nature with a focus on everything that exists around you and the energy that exists there. It can be easier to experience and feel the energy in the energy, if you understand what I mean. It is good if you do all you can to let the energy envelop you now.

With a focus on your heart and the holy energy that exists there you can do what you had in mind, as long as it is for the best of yourself and others. The heart has answered and knows the way, so listen now dear children on Earth to what it has to tell you. It is an important time and many important messages are sent from your heart today. One of the messages might be that you should rest and go into your heart more. Another one might be that you should do something fun and laugh more. Joy and laughter have a wonderful liberating energy. Another message might be that you should look after your house – it is important to take care of one self. The body can also give different messages about what it feels good from and not so good from. So, you understand dear Earthlings that you have much to listen to – taking a bit of time for yourselves will not hurt. Right now I would suggest that you take quite a lot of time for yourselves as there is much that is happening now and you need to prepare yourself for a large transition – A transition that will impact you both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

The energy that you take in impacts you deeply and in a transformative way and you cannot avoid feeling it in one way or another. Some feel it mostly in a physical way and other more psychologically, but it is temporary and it will leave a greater calm and a higher consciousness behind. This is the price we have to pay to become the conscious and loving humans that we long have sought to become and it is worth every little ailment along the way.

It is an honor to be able to ascend into the higher regions of light. It is an honor to always being loved and valued in the light of Our Father/Mother God. It is holy and beyond words and I bow my head in humble gratefulness for the grand transition that now is on the way on Earth. The whole Earth is in the process of rebirth to its own divinity and this goes for all of her bodies. In truth this is something beautiful and divine to see and my eyes fill with tears of joy and love. I fall to my knees and thank Our Father/Mother God for this beautiful gift that He/She now gives us. It is with Our Father/Mother God’s help and wisdom that we now enter the Golden Age – an era of love and light.

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

My heart is full of gratitude to Our Father/Mother God, to all helpers that are at his/her side, to all other beings and essence that have hurried to Mother Earth to help, to all of you that are on Earth and have held up the light in your hearts.

I am grateful and I love you so much.


Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan

Source: www.sananda.website

The messages posted on www.sananda.website can freely be posted by other Lightworkers with the proper recognition of the channel and the translator as well as the website source.

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