
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 14 July 2017

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These are the times when many revelations are soon to be made to bring your awareness up to a level where the truth becomes known. For too long you have been kept in ignorance of important issues that have had a great bearing on your life. Eventually you will reach a level where only the truth can exist, and must start preparing for such an occasion. For example your true history as a Human Race has been kept from you by those who have controlled your progress for their own benefit. By keeping you in ignorance of the truth they have been able to exercise control over you, and until very recent it had almost become total. The Illuminati have been the controlling force with those who also believe in using the masses for their own benefit, and have led you to believe that you were not the masters of your own destiny.

An open mind is more essential than ever before, particularly as for a long time the truth has been distorted by false claims. It is important that you are prepared to give up long held beliefs when the greater truths are revealed, as these will be given to ensure you are well informed as you approach Ascension. Remember that it is an event that will release you from the beliefs that have kept you imprisoned for a great deal of time. Also release from the lower vibrations and distortions of duality, when at times it has been difficult to identify the truth within them. However, there have always been those who have presented the truth to you so that matters could be considered in a fair manner. The truth has a “feel” about it that rings true for many people and enables them to make progress.

Each Age has ended quite dramatically and in such a way as to enable a New Age to commence. The old has to be cleared away whilst a new Age is brought into being, as it has no place in the higher vibrations. Clearly the old vibrations have to be released or raised to a higher level if they are to remain. As detailed in a recent message it also applies to the Human Race, and even if you do ascend this time, you will gradually reach that point where you are ready to do so. In reality there is no urgency to ascend but you are encouraged at all stages to make progress, and given every help without denying you your freewill choices.

With the ending of each life time you have a review of it with your Guide, so as to identify which aspects of it need to be further experienced. Together you will decide such issues as to which Country offers the best situations for your advancement. Then there will come a time when circumstances are favourable for your next life, and the finer details are sorted out. At issue will be what goals have you set yourself and how best to achieve them. You will have a hand in choosing your next parents who will bring you up according to your needed experiences. Whether you are male or female depends to some extent on the type of life you will choose, and be assured that much thought and discussion goes into planning that life, and it fully covers the karmic issues that need your attention.

Obviously another important factor is whether you are to have brothers and sisters, and how these will affect your earlier years. Sometimes very close bonds are created in loving relationships that last beyond your childhood. In fact you are likely to reincarnate with those souls that you have had previous lives with. Your relationships may be different and are determined by your needs for certain types of experiences if you are to continue to evolve. Poor or rich, it depends on your life plan but be assured you will find yourself in the exact circumstances that will give you every opportunity that you need. All through your life you still have freewill, but a soul that is planning to take every opportunity to evolve will follow it through as agreed.

Without having a purpose in life it would be opportunities wasted, as Humanity as a whole benefits from the collective input aimed at progressing with each life. As you will undoubtedly realise, there are often many players in each karmic situation who take the opportunity to experience together. It will for example cover both sides where there is a dispute or opposition, so that all involved gain useful experience. It is worth noting that as you are in the end times, some of you may have undertaken a demanding and busy life that means it can be quite hectic. However, as has been stated many times, you do not take on more than you can cope with.

As many of you will undoubtedly know, each of you have an aura of many colours that can change according to what mood you are in, inasmuch that when you are evolving spiritually and are in good health they are bright and clear. However, when you are lacking spiritual growth and are involved in negative activities, colours will be murky and dark. It is perhaps as well that very few of you can see them, and it is best to accept people from their outer appearance. The energies emitted can be felt by others and they can attract like souls, explaining why some people come together in a mutual liking for each other.

Your Internet has proved invaluable in giving seekers every opportunity to find information on practically every subject. It has many good links to those who share their spiritual knowledge with others. However, there are also those who deliberately set out to create confusion and send out false information. However, those souls who work through the Internet having acquired a good degree of true knowledge, willingly share it with others and do immense good in helping them find the truth and continue to evolve. Naturally there are also excellent books available and the authors are already well known. They can be found through your libraries and the Internet.

The Forces of Light are hard at work dealing with ones who support the Dark forces to disarm them and take away their ability to cause problems, that are delaying the coming of major events that will release you from their hold and control. A lot of their activities are controlled from underground bases that have been located, and where the inhabitants refuse to surrender are destroyed. It is a challenge that can be met as the Forces of Light now outnumber them. So slowly but surely yet with a sense of urgency firm progress is being made. It is still impossible to accurately state when the time will arrive that allows for open contact with the Beings of Light, but it is getting much nearer.

Your help is extremely important at this time, because as one of the Lightworkers you can help shine your Light wherever you go. Gradually it is spreading far and wide whilst transmuting the lower energies. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and you are loved beyond measure.

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey.

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