
Benjamin Fulford: Purge of Khazarian mobsters intensifies as Trump is kept safe in Asia - 06.11.2017

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Purge of Khazarian mobsters intensifies as Trump is kept safe in Asia

There can be no doubt whatsoever that the worldwide purge of the Khazarian mafia now has reached a tipping point of no return, with arrests and purges in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

In the Middle East, Iran-linked Hezbollah now effectively rules Lebanon after Saudi puppet Prime Minister Saad Hariri was forced to resign. His resignation was followed by the purge of hundreds of princes, generals, religious leaders, and others by de facto Saudi King Muhammad bin Salman.

This purge was especially important because it cut off one of the last major remaining sources of Bush/Clinton mafia money and power. Many of the princes purged were homosexually bonded with members of the Bush family and their top lieutenants when they studied in the United States, according to confessions of Kay Griggs, wife of a Skull and Bones Society member, and others.


This is how Pentagon sources described the unfolding crackdown: “The Saudi purge of the Bush-Clinton pedo terror faction—including [Osama Bin Laden’s brother] Bakr bin Laden and anti-Trumper [Prince] Al-Waleed bin Talal—is timed to the Paradise Papers leak,


…the arrest of Tony Podesta, and the surrender of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.” Tony Podesta is a powerful Washington lobbyist whose brother John was campaign manager for Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) and chief of staff for Bill Clinton (Rockefeller). Al-Waleed bought large shareholdings of Rockefeller’s Citibank.

The ramifications of these leaks, arrests, and purges reach out in many directions. Aftershocks, further arrests, and further purges are sure to be felt and seen in the Middle East, Japan, Europe, and the U.S. over the coming days.

Already, Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross (child) has been implicated. So has Canadian magnate Stephen Bronfman, whose family made its fortune selling booze to Al Capone. These names are just the tip of the iceberg.

The start of the purge was timed to coincide with Trump’s visit to Asia so as to be able to more easily protect Trump and his family from retaliatory action, say Pentagon and CIA sources.

However, in a sign that the battle is far from over, two separate warnings were conveyed to this writer last week concerning Trump. One was a “source close to North Korea,” and the other a veteran CIA officer stationed in Asia. The North Korean-linked source said that if Trump

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Quelle: https://benjaminfulford.net/2017/11/06/purge-khazarian-mobsters-intensifies-trump-kept-safe-asia/

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