
Large Scale Structures in the Universe - Resonance Science Foundation

What we can't see our detect doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And what has been seen or detected doesn't meant we understand it. It's good to see such "discoveries" unfolding at an unprecedented rate.

Judy Satori has mentioned that Milky Way is part of a 22-galaxy diamond-shaped cluster, with the Great Central Sun in the middle. There is a section of Laniakea that looks like a diamond. And isn't it interesting about the Hawaiian names? Laniakea (immense heaven), Oumuamua (messenger from afar)....

Based on a universal scaling law, Nassim Haramein showed in 2008 in his paper "Scale Unification - A Universal Scaling Law for Organized Matter" that from macro to micro cosmos all matter follows the same pattern, the same geometry illustrating this with superclusters self-organizing and generating a vast latticework of cuboctahedron.

In 2014, astronomers have completed this theory by identifying the ginormous supercluster of galaxies that our own Milky Way galaxy is part, called "Laniakea," which means "immense heaven" in Hawaiian. This discovery clarified the boundaries of our galactic neighborhood and established previously unrecognized linkages among various galaxy clusters in the local Universe. With it, astronomers had finally established the contours that define the supercluster of galaxies we can call home.

From these results, we now have a very interesting dynamic map of our local galactic group showing how all these objects are moving together.

Studying the very large objects in our universe is continuing to give us clues about its structure. For example, superclusters of galaxies are believed to be the largest concentrations of matter in the universe. However, their origin is still being debated. These large-scale matter overdensities represented by clusters and superclusters are used as sensitive probes of the presence of dark matter and dark energy at higher redshifts and shed light on how structure might form in the universe. The problem is the long-popular "Cold dark matter" model of the evolution of the Universe does not predict the existence of very large structures.

In 2017, a team from India just discovered Saraswati, another extremely massive supercluster about 200 MParsec large. The big question is how such structure can arise in space. At this moment, only observations are certain. This supercluster is a major concentration of galaxies and galaxy clusters, forming a wall-like structure. This enormous structure is surrounded by a network of galaxy filaments, clusters, and very large voids. This places it among the few largest and most massive superclusters known!

'We were very surprised to spot this giant wall-like supercluster of galaxies, visible in a large spectroscopic survey of distant galaxies, known as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (see figure above). This supercluster is clearly embedded in a large network of cosmic filaments traced by clusters and large voids. Previously only a few comparatively large superclusters have been reported, for example the 'Shapley Concentration' or the 'Sloan Great Wall' in the nearby universe, while the 'Saraswati' supercluster is far more distant one.

Joydeep Bagchi from IUCAA

Continue reading at: https://phys.org/news/2017-07-massive-large-scale-universe.html
Source: Resonance Science Foundation

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