
Potential Glancing Blow CME - Earth Facing Coronal Holes, New Sunspot & Weird Magnetic Filament

An eruptive filament was observed lifting off the NE quadrant beginning at approximately 25/0445 UTC. An associated CME was observed off the east limb in SOHO/LASCO C2 imagery beginning at 25/0712 UTC.

Subsequent WSA-Enlil analysis showed a potential glancing blow arriving on 29 Nov. http://services.swpc.noaa.gov/text/di... 

A pair of coronal holes stretching from the northern to southern solar hemisphere are now facing our planet. A solar wind stream flowing from these zones may reach Earth beginning November 27th and lead to a geomagnetic enhancement at higher latitudes. A new fast-growing sunspot forming in the northern hemisphere was assigned region 2689 on Saturday and will be monitored.

So far it does not yet appear to be a threat for noteworthy solar flares. http://www.solarham.net/ 

WEIRD MAGNETIC FILAMENT NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring an unusual filament of magnetism on the sun. Images taken on Nov. 26th, show where magnetic forces are holding a massive curl of dense plasma just above the stellar surface. Magnetic filaments on the sun are not uncommon. Usually they are linear, stretching in only one direction. This one, however, curls back on itself, circumscribing a region more than 280,000 km in diameter. The unusual architecture of the region may undermine its stability. Magnetic fields that criss-cross, like mismatching ends of an incomplete circle, can explode--a process called "magnetic reconnection." 

Any eruptions the next few days would likely be Earth-directed. 
http://www.spaceweather.com/ Clips, images credit: NOAA/SWPC, NASA/SDO, ESA & SOHO

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