
A New Reality Is Manifesting on Gaia – Can You Feel It?

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November 28, 2017 by Therese Zumi Sumner

This morning on the Swedish TV morning news show they interviewed a journalist from a mainstream Swedish newspaper who has been reporting from Syria and the war there. She basically said that this war has nothing to do with the Syrian people but is a war between the nations with the most power in the East and West. She mentioned on the one side the alignment of Iran, Iraq, and Russia and on the other hand USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel.

I must admit that in 2010-2011 my opinion of President Assad was such that I said to Source “if I knew how to, I would willingly go there and put a bullet in his head”. Then Cobra came along and eventually a much clearer and broader view of reality evolved.

This Swedish journalist has won many prizes. She has lived with the people in Raqqa, along with them she has experienced starvation, lice all over her body, sleepless nights not knowing what’s ahead at any moment. When you listen to her you know she knows what she’s talking about. In case anyone still has any doubts about this the war in Syria is most definitely a major part of NWO WW3 being played out. Without the Light Forces ~ the Alliance on the surface ~ the RM below surface and not in least the Galactic Confederation this third world war would have been multiple times worse. Why I’m telling you this is that I have never heard someone speaking in such plain language about the truth of reality and clearly being invited and allowed to do so on mainstream media. To me this is a wonderful sign that things are changing fast now. There are signs to be seen daily in our state owned TV that a more truthful reality is emerging.

I believe that we are ‘there’ already now!! We are day by day gliding over to this new reality. It’s taking place before our very eyes if we have ‘eyes to see’. Have you heard that we are the creators of our reality? That our experience of reality is a mirror of what we focus on from within? The more that we decide to focus on the change taking place like many have done worldwide in meditation these past 4 days or so the quicker it will manifest. We have focused when possible, every four hours, that the Pink Feminine Warm Loving Goddess energy descends like a blanket over every man woman and child and we visualize / see a healing taking place and celebrations of peace on Earth. So, if (merely an example) your focus is worry about chemtrails still happening then that’s what you will manifest. Most likely they will go on as long as the weather control is still in ‘their’ hands so why bother worry – their power is about to end soon.

Let’s focus upon what we want! Let’s focus upon what we want! Focus on Love. Send out loving vibes to everyone you meet whether or not they meet your eyes, and if they do meet your eyes say ‘Hi’.

One place on the planet {there are sadly way too many} that could do with a little extra healing energy at present is the Rohingya people who have crossed the border to Bangladesh from northern Burma. This is such a disgrace. Ethnic rinsing because the powers that be in that country want to develop oil, marble etc. industries in the area these people have resided. They have burnt their houses, committed so many other atrocities to drive them away, and now slave traders without any conscience whatsoever are stealing orphaned children age 5-6-7 years as they cross the border selling them to trafficking into slave sexual industry for 150$ each! The refugee camp in Bangladesh is now holding 1 million people with more arriving daily. It is in the jungle and has many tents on the edge of ravines that could collapse when the rainy season comes. Lets us decree, declare and command that this situation is given priority and changed NOW. An example of decreeing found here:


or here; https://prepareforchange.net/2017/11/24/please-help-me-to-decree-that-the-truth-about-vaccinations-is-revealed-now/

or a simple reminder; We could decree something like this:

I {your name here} declare and decree and command in the presence of the Council of Love or my Family of Light {name if you wish any or all Guides – Light Beings}

That – {your desire here}

This is the will of Source {– your name –} and so it is, and so it is, and so it is.

Finally, we know that success is a given? Do you know that? You should know that? Our unity as Lightworkers has brought us to a place where so so many of us have a similar view of the new Gaian reality, so many of us focus on a beautiful bright new reality so that there is no possibility that ‘their’ NWO sad controlling vision could ever manifest now. None! Cobra taught us that from December 2012 there was only one possible timeline future and that it would be positive. The more of us that join forces seeing that new future as brightly and vibrant as you possibly can the quicker it will manifest. So, let’s spend our time focusing on that and being prepared for the coming change in every way that we can.

Therese Zumi

Website ~ www.veritasgalacticsweden.net

Blog ~ https://www.facebook.com/Therese.sumner.Zumi/

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