
Laura Eisenhower: Dissolving the Draco-Anunnaki Reptilian & Orion Grey Matrix by Letting go of the Negative Reptilian DNA and Brain-Portal & Abrogating-Renegotiating the Secret ET Treaties: Emerald Covenant Treaty – Greada Treaty (1954-Ike) – Tau9 Treaty (George HW Bush)

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Laura Eisenhower: Dissolving the Draco-Anunnaki Reptilian & Orion Grey Matrix by Letting go of the Negative Reptilian DNA and Brain-Portal & Abrogating-Renegotiating the Secret ET Treaties: Emerald Covenant Treaty – Greada Treaty (1954-Ike) – Tau9 Treaty (George HW Bush)

PEACE PORTAL ARCH, BLAINE, WA. – In a live interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on Facebook, later broadcast on ExopoliticsTV [You Tube] & OmniverseTV [Streaming], Laura Eisenhower, Great Granddaughter of US President Dwight Eisenhower spoke in depth of dissolving the Draco-Anunnaki Reptilian & Orion Grey Matrix that humanity finds itself. Internally, through letting go of the negative duality consciousness “I win – You lose” Reptilian DNA and Brain-Portal.

Externally, by bringing into our social consciousness the Secret Treaties such as the ancient Emerald Covenant Treaty, and most especially the negative effects of the more recent Treaties between humanity’s controller elite and manipulatory extraterrestrials: the Draco & Anunnaki Reptilians and Orion Greys that have created a planetary and solar system wide pedocriminal Matrix centered on Earth humanity.

Portal Exit & Dimensional Ascension

By Abrogating & Renegotiating the Secret ET Treaties: Emerald Covenant Treaty – Greada Treaty (signed in 1954 by Ike over his objections) and the Tau9 Treaty (signed by US President George HW Bush), humanity can create the conditions for our species liberation from a dimensional Matrix. This Matrix that has led to systemic solar system and planetary pedocriminality; both positive evolutionary and questionable-detrimental Grey [and other ET] abduction and hybridization programs; continuation of Ecocide, War, disease crime and poverty as a normalized condition on 3rd density Earth. By abrogating and renegotiating these abusive, one-way secret ET Treaties, to up to 70% of humanity [and more] can become capable of achieving conscious frequency elevation to a new high-frequency Earth.

Abrogate the secret Greada & Tau9 Treaties [and other secret ET Treaties] and end the Pedocriminal matrix on Earth

In her interview, Laura Eisenhower discusses her own role as a mother and her determination to end the Draco-Anunnaki Reptilian pedocriminal Matrix on Earth, and pledges to meet with the US President – be it Donald Trump or a successor – to urge the sitting President to exercise the Constitutional powers to Abrogate and Renegotiate the secret US Treaties.

Sign this Petition to the US President now to abrogate these Treaties and end the Pedocriminal horror on Earth.

Thank you.

This petition will be delivered to:

U.S. President Donald J. Trump

Sign Petition to Abrogate 1954 Greada Treaty:


PPAI – Predatory Pathogenic Artificial Intelligence

In her interview, Laura Eisenhower discusses how in any process of renegotiation and mediation among the Draco-Anunnaki & Orion-Grey and other parties to secret ET Treaties some conscious common ground should be found among the parties to unite against an invading, off-planet, inorganic, sentient PPAI – Predatory Pathogenic Artificial Intelligence.

Research shows that the Draco-Anunnaki & Orion-Grey and other parties to secret ET Treaties, along with other manipulatory human controller elites, such as the the secret Nazi DVD Shadow Government and Space Program, based in Antarctica, the Moon and Mars, are currently backing the Transhumanist Agenda of the PPAI Artificial Intelligence to robotize humanity and terra-form Earth and humanity into an AI planet and AI DNA species.

2017-2025 Frequency Ascension Portal [Unity Consciousness]

Laura culminates her interview by discussion a 2017-2025 13th gateway portal beyond masculine and feminine that had been previously blocked by the manipulatory Draco-Anunnaki ETs & PPAI Artificial Intelligence [which have blocked humanity’s access to the 10th & 11th dimensional gateway portals for our species ascension.

One physical manifestation of the 13th gateway portal is in Australia at Uluru, which Laura will be entering on January 12-13, 2018.

For more information, please see:

AI Sentient Inorganic Invading Artificial Intelligence – Articles & Interviews by Alfred Lambremont Webre


CONTACT Laura Eisenhower:

Facebook Profile:

Email: laurabe4@gmail.com

Quelle: https://newsinsideout.com/2017/11/laura-eisenhower-dissolving-draco-anunnaki-reptilian-orion-grey-matrix-letting-go-negative-reptilian-dna-brain-portal-abrogating-renegotiating-secret-et-treaties-em/

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