
O.N.E. News Editorial: Deepstate Going Down! We’re In The Moment Goliath Is Falling… And David Is Rising!

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O.N.E. News Editorial: Deepstate Going Down! We’re In The Moment Goliath Is Falling… And David Is Rising!

by Indian in the machine

The ones humans celebrate in the deep state, often perform voodoo against the masses… performing sacrifices, participating in false flags, award shows, encouraging the worship of humans over Creator…… all they think about, are ways to scare the masses in a series of horrible events going to fast to process… YOUR fear creates the reality that they want to achieve… they want you to believe they are untouchable, unstoppable, and beyond justice… they want the masses to do what they want, and to fear love. They impoverished the masses and poisoned world health… they get away with all of this, because humanity hasn’t had the balls to be the loving David against the Goliath… until now… we’re in the moment Goliath is falling… and David is rising…

David is rising… it is the spiritual renaissance sweeping the planet… it’s the Divine plan in action… it is about ‘going within’ to become powerful rather than to seek ‘false power’ by using force against other lifeforms.

Lots of people have higher security clearance than Trump… a whole level of government exists that is not known by the public, but seen by the public. Much of the powerful corporations and people are in on it. These people are: real humans, clones and reptilians disguised as humans. They are systematically trying to destroy the human spirit. They live as the walking dead. They want the love inside you to die, so you can be like them. This deep state must go down, because it’s against life itself.

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Indian in the machine Blogger, writer, recording artist, shamanic drummer, healer, visionary, galactic messenger… my name is, Indian in the machine. I’m here to create paradise on earth, to serve the Divine Plan and the ascension of humanity into a quantum shifted reality. Email: indianinthemachine@yahoo.ca

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