
O.N.E. News Editorial: NESARA Is Taking Down The Deepstate Hidden Government… Representing Historical Turning Point! Imagine A World Where People Don’t Do Bad Things For Money!

by Indian in the machine

NESARA Is Taking Down The Deepstate Hidden Government… Representing Historical Turning Point! Imagine A World Where People Don’t Do Bad Things For Money!

There is a new financial reality called NESARA for north america… and GESARA of the world…

NESARA is the first… then the rest of the world follows…

NESARA represents financial clean slate for everyone…

NESARA represents financial abundance for everyone…

The deepstate tried to hide and eliminate NESARA…


Why is NESARA taking down the deepstate?

It’s simple…

When everyone has enough money and is supported… PEOPLE NO LONGER DO BAD THINGS FOR MONEY.

Imagine if you will…

No one to scare the masses for starters…

No one wants to drive the chemtrail planes…

No one wants to stand in front of the cameras and lie to the world…

No one wants no longer wants to be a fake politician

No one wants to go to some crappy job they despise…

No one wants to sell a portion of their life on earth, just to put a roof over their head…

No one wants to out do their neighbour… because everyone has enough…

Examine now the deepstate programming you exposed yourself to…

1. Do a spiritual clearing.

2. See the world through the eyes of abundance.

3. Think with your heart.

4. Be authentic.

5. Support instead of minimize, the godliness in self and others.

6. Harmonize with the universe.

7. Release all notions that the outerworld, is more powerful than the innerworld.

8. Purification is essential, otherwise you won’t be harmonizing with a cleansing planet.

Imagine what you will do when you and all creatures have enough… what new role will you play?

What new hat will you wear?

Who is the real you?

What loving vibrations do you wish to share?

What is your mission?

What service to others are you here for?

How do you wish to engage with Creation?

How do you wish to relate to your new superhuman abilities developing?

How will life be for you when there are no hidden hands, manipulating outcomes that are not in everyone’s favour…. yes… NESARA… research it… support it… have faith that the Light of NESARA is going to change the role that everyone has been playing… and that, is taking down the deepstate… it’s ready in motion, and we’re moments away from several historical announcements… brace yourself for the gold within each, shall shine again, and how magnificently blessed we are to be here at this time, being one, with these historic times!

To break through from the matrix, imagine a future that has already happened, and you are living in it now…

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