
Smaly7: Detachment Meditation (Guided version, english) - 15.11.2017

Gaia & Yaldabaoth/Plasma Parasites - Detachment Meditation 


Bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness. Connect with your I AM presence.
State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of detaching Gaia from the Yaldabaoth and the two wormlike plasma parasites on all time/space dimensions & planes.
Visualize two golden circles in a figure 8 on the ground in front of you. In the center of the gold circle nearest to you, visualize "Gaia" written in beautiful flowers that grow from the ground of the circle. 

Across from Gaia's circle, visualize the other gold circle with Yaldabaoth and the two wormlike plasma parasites on the ground. 

Fill each circle with the essence of each being, feel them settled on the ground before you. Have the circles touching but not overlapping. 

Starting at the point where the two circles touch, visualize a brilliant neon blue light flowing around the Yaldabaoth and two wormlike plasma parasites in a clockwise direction (flowing from the left up around to the right) on the ground until the entire circle is outlined in brilliant blue light. 

From the point where the two circles touch, let this neon blue light continue to flow around the left side of Gaia's circle, moving counter clockwise along the ground around Gaia and back to where the two circles touch to create a full figure 8. 

Keep this brilliant neon blue light flowing around the figure 8 for 2 minutes. As the light continues to flow, feel Gaia, Yaldabaoth, the two plasma wormlike parasites and the brilliant blue light, anchored to the ground. 

Now see Arch Angel Michael's brilliant blue ray of light cutting the ties and detaching the two circles, releasing Gaia from the Yaldabaoth and plasma parasites. 

Give thanks for all of the lessons learned and to all beings who have assisted in freeing Gaia. Victory of the Light!

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