
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 9 February 2018

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As time progresses you should be aware that you are creating a new life for yourself. You are slowly beginning to discover the real you, a Being of magnificence and inner beauty. You are beginning to understand that “judgement” is something that you must overcome if you are to finally reach the level of a Cosmic Being. Truthfully no soul is in a position to judge another one, and will rarely if ever understand or be aware of their background that has led to their need for certain experiences. It is all planned in advance and covers lessons that need to be learnt to continue evolving.

Be assured that although you seem to be the “victim” of circumstances beyond your control, nothing of any importance really happens by chance. Your necessary life experiences are planned before you incarnate and your Guides help ensure that at the appropriate time they take place. They also do their best to keep you away from unplanned experiences that may incur more karma, but even so your freewill is paramount and respected. You could say that your Guides are the unsung and often unacknowledged heroes in your life, determined to do all they can to keep you to your life plan. They are equally keen to help where there are lessons to be learnt, so that you do not have to go through the same experience again.

You might ask what the benefit is to you assuming you have a successful life where your karmic responsibilities are concerned. Your immediate gain is that you should not expect to have to go through the same experiences again. That means you have moved up the ladder and your vibrations will have increased. You will have taken a step closer to your goal that is to achieve Ascension. The journey is very trying, and your challenge when you started out was to progress out of the lower vibrations, with little knowledge if any of your true self. However, now that Humanity has passed the marker, the truth of who you really are will become apparent. The vibrations are rising up and as they do so you will begin to leave the lower ones behind. At the same time you will become aware of your true self and understand where you are heading. Everything you do to make good progress will prove to be very worthwhile in the long run.

In reality you have gone through your present experiences previously, and have accepted your present situation in the interests of others who are still learning about duality and unaware of its purpose where their evolution is concerned. You who are the older souls have leading roles to play, and well equipped to help others along their life path. Where a soul is awakening and needs guidance, they will find you when it is in their interests. The likelihood is that you may have already helped many souls who are already on the path to understanding their reason for being on Earth. Sometimes such souls are attracted to you by your light even if they cannot actually see it, but they “feel” it. Their Guides may also be playing a part in setting up such situations, as even if they are unaware of it they can be influenced to take whatever action is necessary for their experience.

Progress will seem slow as matters are sorted out to bring peace to Earth. In time it will become apparent that major changes are underway and the quality of life lifted up. Even the early changes will be an indication of what is to come, and it will be seen that a major step forward is being taken to bring the New Age fully into being. The plans are already being implemented and much is ready to go ahead when the signal is given. So do not waver at this point in the changes as much happens without your knowledge. Matters have been under control for quite some time now, and every effort is to ensure that when the right time arrives the many projects can immediately go ahead. You will be pleasantly surprised as to how much has been prepared in advance, so keep your vision upon the future knowing that nothing can stop it from manifesting as predicted. It has been predestined and will go far beyond your present imagination, and what you have been told to expect.

It has taken some time to get things underway, but now you should start getting news of developments that are the commencement of New Age projects. The details may be held back, but given time it will gradually become safe to release more information. Behind the scenes the plan to remove the dark Ones is still going ahead but is taking a considerable amount of time. Patience is called for and will be well rewarded in due course. The lack of real news is partly because it is being blocked and as usual you are left in the dark. However, it will reach a stage when all will be revealed, but little by little so as not to overwhelm those who have little or no knowledge of what is really taking place on your planet.

President Trump manages to remain in power and is living on borrowed time, but manages to bring about beneficial changes that would not otherwise have taken place. When it suits those who run matters they will get rid of him, and those who would like to see that lead to complete changes will get their way. Politics is a murky game and in the present circumstances a hotbed of activity. The dark Ones still believe that they have a say in what takes place, but an even greater powers than theirs has overall control. There is a plan that has long been prepared, that will ensure the foundation is laid that will allow positive changes to bring the New Age into being. You may rest assured that the timing will be right as the Forces of Light do not leave things to chance. There has been a plan in place for a very long time that is destined to bring you the results you have long awaited.

Those who monitor your progress can handle any situation that comes up, and by various means can arrange events so that they work out in line with the agreed plan for your Ascension. The time has arrived when you must begin to move forward, and leave behind the baggage that you may still carry from the old cycle. Every soul who wants to ascend and feels that they are ready can start anew in this cycle, and as long as they continue to raise their vibrations they can succeed. Treat all souls and situations with Universal Love and leave any form of judgement behind. It may sound difficult as it is quite different to what you have been used to doing previously, but with determination you can succeed.

Never lose sight of the fact that you have constant help, and are never left to tackle your challenges by yourself. Trust your intuition at all times, and normally the first thoughts that come into your head are usually the most important ones. Meditate for short periods as this will enable your Guides to draw closer to you and “speak” with you. Help is never far away and there are a number of ways that information can be directed to you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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