
ExCIA Robert Steele: Paedophilia-Blackmail, Criminal NASA, Google-Gestapo, 9/11-fraud, Genocide

Robert David Steele, USA, http://robertdavidsteele.com/, interviewed on 22. 2. 2018 by Alexandra JB, http://fromillusiontoreality.com/ in cooperation with Ripsonar News.

Robert David Steele is a former CIA and military intelligence officer, who was 2017 recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is founder of the Open Source Intelligence discipline, he is also the author of The Open Source Everything Manifesto and has proposed to President Donald Trump an Open Source Agency that would create the post-Google Internet that cannot be censored or manipulated, while connecting the President to every voter directly. He is the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction. Robert Steele and former NSA intelligence officer William Binney showed how to leverage unprocessed NSA data to get to the aggregated emails and phone calls of every US traitor, pedophile, and white collar criminal in the USA. 

Robert Steele is also the co-founder, with Cynthia McKinney, of #UNRIG, a concept for an Election Reform Act that will bury the two-party tyranny and enable evidence-based governance in the public interest. Robert Steele was a candidate for the Reform Party's nomination for President of the United States in the 2012 presidential election and he also announced his candidacy for the 2016 presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party. Contact Alexandra JB: fromillusiontoreality@email.cz

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