
4.26 - Q: #releasethetexts/Kanye Wont Quit/JFK Files/Possible New 9-11 Investigation

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"Very Pissed Off" Obama DOJ Made "Dramatic" Call To McCabe To Quash Clinton Probe - https://bit.ly/2r1P1cZ 

'Straight Out of James Bond': Reporter Explains New Details in Dem IT Staffer Scandal - https://bit.ly/2vKybon 

Iranian Naval Commander Threatens To Sink US Ships, Create "Catastrophic Situation" If Trump Kills Deal - https://bit.ly/2r1S2L3 

Wall Street Admits Curing Diseases Is Bad For Business - https://bit.ly/2Jqv5rL 

New Group of JFK Assassination Documents Available to the Public - https://bit.ly/2FjeVOA 

Citing ‘Conclusive Evidence’ of Explosives, Families of Victims File Petition to Re-Open 9/11 Investigation - https://bit.ly/2I3qKv0 

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