
4.29 - Clapper Leaks/Syria, Las Vegas, Parkland FFs/Rosemary's Baby/Kanye's Conspiracies

Today's Links: 

EXCLUSIVE: Cabal Of Wealthy Donors Financing $50 Million Trump-Russia Investigation - https://bit.ly/2HzTL4s 

"No Attacks, No Victims": Syria Chemical Attack Video Participants Speak At OPCW Briefing - https://bit.ly/2Hv24yt 

Mystery: Two Broward County Sheriff’s deputies have died since the Parkland, Florida shootings and no one knows why - https://bit.ly/2KmeRkQ 

Supreme Court orders release of audio, video from Las Vegas shooting - https://bit.ly/2vXpN55 

White House Intel: John McCain Expected to Retire from U.S. Senate - https://bit.ly/2Fncmei 

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