
Ronald Bernard about heavily damaged children and the path to forgiveness and liberation

HD quality version (without bonus, though): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAv0a...

Original upload of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRP8P... 

Bonus Excerpt: Ronald Bernard Interview With Sacha Stone 05/02/2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0i6A... 

Recommended Interview: Ronald Bernard Interview with Ole Dammegard 05/31/2018: https://bit.ly/2kU7p4P 

Full testimony of survivors: https://youtu.be/ReN_Jo1pt-g 

This testimony of Ronald Bernard gives you inside information about his life, how the world works, your inner child, the 'program' and the effects on damaged children. This testimony will raise the awareness in general. Original source: https://commission.itnj.org 

Ronald gave this testimony in the Westminster seatings of London for the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse. Please sign the ITNJ Treaty: https://www.itnj.org/itnj/itnj-treaty 

Comment of Mark Pearce about the testimony: I found this to be one of the most moving talks I've witnessed about the understandings of the human mind and spirit. Ronald has been on both sides of the fence as a perpetrator and victim. He talks of the inter-generational traumas of abuse and why this led him to become an elite international banker and how this gate opened him up to be locked-up (metaphorically) in a cell - a story about freedom, restraint, slavery and slavery perceived as freedom. Ronald’s story is worthy of feature-length documentation.

He shares some of the deepest insights into the human condition and how a system of today's society can both ruin a mind and also lead one to redemption. Thank you Ronald for your honesty, bravery, consciousness, inspiration and love. I hope by sharing this testimony with the world we can all learn more about forgiveness and how to heal. Filmed at Westminster, London - April 2018.

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