
Dr. Steven Greer - The Atacama Cover-Up

In this lecture Dr. Steven Greer goes into detail about the cover-up and distortion of the research on the Atacama Humanoid.

He includes the indisputable research done on the Being via xrays and CT scans. Additionally, he shares comments by two prominent geneticists who were outraged at the academic corruption shown in the report published in Genome Research.

Further, Dr. Greer shares an interesting “coincidence” of Garry Nolan receiving a multimillion dollar grant from the Department of Defense weeks after accepting to do unbiased research on the Atacama Humanoid. He also shares the “interesting” credentials of those who are part of TTSA – To The Stars Academy and posits what their relationship might be to the Intelligence Community.

You will want to hear these details from him in this presentation and make up your own mind.

The presentation was on May 12 , 2018 in Phoenix AZ.

Find out more at www.SiriusDisclosure.com

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