
[11.28] Trump Blasts Clinton Foundation / Whitaker / Migrant Caravan / Wikileaks

Today's Links: 

15 attorneys general join amicus brief opposing Matthew Whitaker as Acting US Attorney General - https://read.bi/2Q2OuXK 

Honduran president's brother accused of drug trafficking - https://bbc.in/2RfozZm 

California Democratic Party chair faces sexual misconduct investigation - https://fxn.ws/2P2XVRf 

Military Investigation Services along with State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies to Hold Press Conference - https://bit.ly/2Ql6f3P 

Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy, sources say - https://bit.ly/2DMIQkT 

WikiLeaks, Manafort reject Guardian report alleging meeting with Assange in 2016 - https://fxn.ws/2RfoDIA

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