
Nassim Haramein - Resonance Academy Virtual Classroom: Vacuum Energy & Qi Energy

Resonance Science Foundation director of research, Nassim Haramein, discussing vacuum energy during one of the live virtual classroom events as part of the Resonance Academy, Resonance Science Foundation's online learning community & unified physics course, currently with participants from over 80 different countries.

The Resonance Academy is a comprehensive, self-paced online multimedia course packed with 30 years of research designed to provide a foundation of understanding of the field of Unified Physics and its implications and applications. People from over 80 different countries are engaging with each other and a progressive faculty team in a co-creative thriving learning community, participating in live monthly hang-outs with Nassim Haramein & the Resonance Science Foundation faculty, a 24-hour live chat room, 6 in-depth educational modules, extensive source reference materials and monthly live group video interactions with a community of like-minds.

Join Nassim & faculty in the Resonance Academy - http://bit.ly/_Resonance_Academy
Resonance Academy Explorer Path (free intro) - http://bit.ly/RSF_Explorer
Resonance Science Foundation - http://resonance.is
Hawaii Institute for Unified Physics - https://hiup.org

http://instagram.com/resonancescience https://www.facebook.com/TheResonance... http://twitter.com/ResonanceSci

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